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事由:为转发「中南区国家公粮支拨管理暂行办法」仰遵行由省属各单位、赣西南行署、南昌市人民政府:各粮食局、各专署、各市、县人民政府:奉中南军政委员会元月十三日(51)会办财字第○一一二号令开;「为令发中南区国家公粮支拨管理暂行办法」等因;附发暂行办法一份,兹抄发原令及暂行办法各一份,仰各遵照执行为要!此令。中南军政委员会令(51号)会办财字第○一一二号为令发「中南区国家公粮支拨管理暂行办法」仰遵行由为贯彻执行中央统一国家公粮收支的决定及全国粮食局长会议的精神,与加强中南区粮秣收支的管理,以期严格建立国家公粮支拨制度,特制定「中南区国家公粮支拨管理暂行办法」,兹随令附发,仰各遵照执行为要!此令各省、市人民政府各直属部门抄致各机关附:暂行辫法主席林彪一九五一年元月十三日 Subject matter: In order to forward the “Provisional Measures for the Administration of Central Government Disbursement of Regional Public Utilities in Central South China”, all provinces, southwestern administrative offices and Nanchang Municipal People’s Governments On January 13 (51), the government office will order No. Za 112-12; “Interim Measures for Ordering Management of State-owned Grain of Central and South China Region” and other factors; Attach an interim measure and hereby copy the original order and provisional A solution, Yang each comply with the implementation of this order. Central Military Commission Order No. 51 will hold the No.1012 Consortium for the Provisional Measures for the Appointment and Administration of State Grain in Central and Southern China to comply with the decision of implementing the unified national revenue and expenditure of grain by the Central Government and the director of the National Food Bureau The spirit of the meeting is to strengthen the management of food and beverage revenues and expenditures in Central and Southern District with a view to establishing a strict system of appropriation of public funds for grain in the Central Government and formulating the Interim Measures for the Administration of Appropriation of State Grants in Central and Southern District. This will make the provinces and municipalities directly under the central government departments copied to the various agencies attached: Temporary braid Chairman Lin Biao January 13, 1951
  里下河地区是苏北平原中最为低凹的区域,地处里运河以东,串场河以西,北至苏北灌溉总渠,南抵通扬运河,总面积1.4104 km2.晚第四纪以来,本区一直受到黄河、长江、淮河等大、中型
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