
来源 :浙江临床医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dolan525
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目前基层医院眼科白内障手术已逐渐从囊内向囊外法过渡。但由于初期开展显微手术 ,操作上有一适应过程 ,因此起始时手术可能发生一些较严重的并发症 ,其中玻璃体脱出是最为严重的一种 ,它不仅给予手术本身增加了困难 ,而且由此引发了一系列近、远期的并发症 ,严重影响患者视功? Currently the primary hospital ophthalmic cataract surgery has gradually transition from the sac to the extracapsular approach. However, due to the initial microsurgery, there is an operation to adapt to the process, so the operation may occur some of the more serious complications, of which vitreous prolapse is the most serious one, it not only gives the operation itself increases the difficulty, and thus Triggered a series of near and long-term complications, seriously affecting the patient’s visual acuity?
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目前国内大多数基层医院都以白内障现代囊外摘除联合后房型人工晶体植入术为主要复明手段。然而 ,由于受各种因素影响 ,仍有部分患者术后视力恢复不满意。现将我院自1995年以
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