
来源 :中国体视学与图像分析 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chad
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随着纳米材料功能化研究的深入与纳器件制造技术的发展,大量基于纳米材料小尺寸、高灵敏度和特殊性能的新型纳米器件相继问世,并在能量转换和信息传感等新型电子器件上得到了广泛应用。因此,发展新的表征手段和测试方法,发现和揭示纳米材料与纳器件基本结构单元在服役条件下的结构与性能演变规律,进而归纳和总结纳器件服役行为成为纳米材料与器件走向应用过程中亟待解决的问题。将扫描探针显微镜(Scanning Probe Microscopy,SPM)、扫描电子束显微镜(Scanning Electron Microscopy,SEM)和透射电子显微镜(Transmission electron microscope,TEM)等传统表征技术与微纳加工技术、电学测量系统相结合,精确模拟纳米材料的服役条件,实现对纳米材料的结构和物性演变规律的原位研究,是揭示纳米材料的损伤与服役行为的新方法。本文重点综述近年来采用SEM和SPM表征手段下原位研究一维Zn O纳米材料在力学、电学及力电耦合效应下的损伤与服役现象、性能演变规律及损伤基本机理。 With the development of functionalization of nanomaterials and the development of nanofabrication technology, a large number of new nanodevices based on the small size, high sensitivity and special properties of nanomaterials have come out one after another and obtained on new electronic devices such as energy conversion and information sensing A wide range of applications. Therefore, the development of new characterization methods and testing methods to discover and reveal the basic structural elements of nanomaterials and nanostructures under the service conditions of the evolution of the structure and performance, and then summarize and summarize the service behavior of nanocomponents into nanomaterials and devices to the process of application Problems to be solved. The traditional characterization techniques such as Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) are combined with micro / nano processing technology and electrical measurement system , Accurately simulating the service conditions of nanomaterials and in situ study on the structure and property evolution of nanomaterials is a new way to reveal the damage and service behavior of nanomaterials. In this paper, we focus on the in-situ study of the damage and service phenomena, the evolution of properties and the basic mechanism of damage in the in-situ study of the one-dimensional Zn O nanomaterials under the mechanical, electrical and electromechanical coupling effects by means of SEM and SPM in recent years.
synopsis:The history of social de-velopment in contemporary Tibetis the history of the transfor-mation of Tibetan women’s so-cial status.At present,there are19