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情意教育对学生的成人成才具有举足轻重的作用,语文课是实现情感教育的首选基地。发挥好语文教学中的情感教育,使学生能够积极参与其中,感受语文的美,不仅对激发学生的求知欲,增强学生的学习兴趣,发展学生的智力具有重要作用,而且能促使素质教育的发展。本文从语文教学中的生命在场式的情感教育入手,着重介绍了情感教育在语文教学中的重要作用,同时还介绍了生命在场式的情感教育的在导学、阅读讲解和教师本身的要求和具体做法。通过这些做法,调动学生的学习兴趣,学生会更积极地参与到教学中,成为学习的主体,课堂的真正主人,使我们的课堂更有活力、更生动。 Emotional education plays an important role in the adult’s success of the students. The Chinese class is the first choice for realizing emotional education. Emotional education in Chinese teaching should be given good play so that students can actively participate in them and experience the beauty of Chinese. This not only stimulates students’ curiosity but also enhances students’ interest in learning and development of students’ intelligence. It also promotes the development of quality education . This article starts with the emotional education of the presence of life in Chinese teaching, emphasizes on the important role of emotional education in Chinese teaching, and also introduces the requirements of the guidance, reading and teacher of emotional education in the presence of life specific methods. Through these practices, students’ interest in learning is aroused. Students will participate more actively in teaching and become the main body of study and the real masters of the classroom, making our classroom more energetic and vivid.
本文利用传世文献,对《韩非子》一书中涉及的战国时代人物作了新的考证,弥补了前人研究的缺陷。 This article uses the handed down literature to make a new research on
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