,Quantitative genetic estimates of growth-related traits in the common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.): A

来源 :中国高等学校学术文摘·生物学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hanfenng
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The common carp (Cyrpinus carpio L.) is the oldest cultured and the most domesticated fish species, as well as one of the most important freshwater fishes in the world. However, scientific studies on evaluating the growth-related quantitative traits in this fish are limited. Heritability, the most important parameter in selective breeding programs, was extensively studied for the growth-related traits. The values varied widely among the experiments and methods used because of the existence of common environmental, dominance and mateal effects. However, correlations in phenotypic and genetic levels first evaluated several years ago were limited. On the other hand, heterosis was widely reported and easily obtained for growth-related traits in the common carp. Meanwhile, genotype environment interaction and predic-tion of breeding values have been studied recently, and are very important in conducting selective breeding programs. The developmental quantitative genetics of growth-related traits was first analyzed in the common carp for reasonable selection during ontogeny. It is expected that genetic improvement will be achieved by carrying out direct selective breeding in the common carp.
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