
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:drhxumingzhu
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Objective.-To assess whether migraine is associated with retinal microvascular caliber.Background.-Migraine is believed to be associated with vascular disease,but few studies have investigated the relationship between structural microvascular changes and migraine.Design.-Population-based cross-sectional study.Methods.-Participants in the Blue Mountains Eye Study follow-up(1997 to 1999,n=2335,aged 54+)had retinal photographs taken.A computer-assisted method was used to measure average retinal arteriolar and venular diameters and calculate the arteriole-to-venule ratio.History of migraine was recorded by interview using International Headache Society criteria(1988).Results.-Subjects giving a history of migraine without aura(n=128)had narrower retinal arterioles than subjects giving a history of migraine with aura(n=182)or subjects with no migraine history(n=1619).After multivariate adjustment,mean retinal arteriolar diameter was 4.3 μ m(95% confidence interval 0.5,8.1)narrower in subjects reporting migraine without aura as compared to subjects with no migraine.Conclusions.Individuals with a history of migraine without aura were more likely to have slightly narrower retinal arteriolar caliber than individuals without migraine.This relationship was not present for migraine with aura.These data support the hypothesis that microvascular disease may be associated with certain types of migraine. Objective-To assess whether migraine is associated with retinal microvascular caliber. Background-migraine is believed to be associated with vascular disease, but few studies have investigated the relationship between structural microvascular changes and migraine. Design-Population-based cross-sectional study.Methods.-Participants in the Blue Mountains Eye Study follow-up (1997 to 1999, n = 2335, aged 54+) had retinal photographs taken. A computer-assisted method was used to measure average retinal arteriolar and venular diameters and calculate the arteriole-to-venule ratio. History of migraine was recorded by interview using International Headache Society criteria (1988). Results - Subjects giving a history of migraine without aura (n = 128) had narrower retinal arterioles than subjects giving a history of migraine with aura (n = 182) or subjects with no migraine history (n = 1619). After multivariate adjustment, mean retinal arteriolar diameter was 4.3 μm (95% confidence interval 0.5,8.1) narrower in subjec ts reporting migraine without aura as compared to subjects with no migraine.Conclusions.Individuals with a history of migraine without aura were more likely to have slightly narrower retinal arteriolar caliber than individuals without migraine.This relationship was not present for migraine with aura.These data support the hypothesis that microvascular disease may be associated with certain types of migraine.
放学后,我把窗子拉开,风一下子就跑进来了,像个孩子似的使劲儿往我怀里钻,把我的衣衫我的头发都吹乱了。  戴上耳机,趴在窗台,MP3里播放着理查德·克莱德曼的钢琴曲。此时,教室里所有的喧嚣吵闹,似乎都变得与我无关。  我恨我自己不善于抒情,不能用诗人那样充满灵气和张力的词汇来表达我现在的心情,我只能在风中和着旋律笨拙地左右摇晃。而不远处的那一丛油菜花此时也在摇动着,应和着我,我们就这样在天地间,在安
In multiple sclerosis (MS), nystagmus or internuclear ophthalmoplegia (INO) are the usual ocular motor dysfunctions. However, in patients with focal brainstem l
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