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《机械制图》课程是技工类院校机械专业基础性的课程,也是一门跟实际生产紧密联系的专业课。此课程主要培养学生读图、画图能力、空间想象能力及应用能力。随着现在科学技术的发展和计算机的广泛应用,在实际生产中对制图的要求也有所变动,如何提高教学效率,是当前技校教学普遍重视的问题。本文从情景教学、CAD结合教学和多媒体教学几方面阐述了机械制图的教学策略。首先,分析课程的特点及学生的情况。本课程着重培养学生的空间想 “Mechanical drawing” course is a basic course of mechanical engineering mechanic college, is also a specialized course closely linked with the actual production. This course mainly cultivates students’ reading pictures, drawing ability, space imagination ability and application ability. With the development of science and technology and the widespread application of computers, the requirements for drawing in actual production have also changed. How to improve the teaching efficiency is a common problem in teaching of technical schools at present. This essay elaborates the teaching tactics of mechanical drawing from scene teaching, CAD combining teaching and multi-media teaching. First, analyze the characteristics of the course and the situation of the students. This course focuses on cultivating students’ space
摘要:日语教育指以日语作为外语或第二语言来进行教学的统称,对不以日语为母语的人为对象,来教授日语的叫做日语教育。同时,对以日语为母语的人为对象,来教授日语的在日本叫做国语教育。在日本以外,有126个国家、7个地区有日语教育,学习日语的人数约300万人。在日本国内所进行的日语教育机构有,大学等的高等教育机构、日语学校、社区的日语学习班等。参加学习的成人约有16万6千人,儿童约有2万8千人。  一、日
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