盛夏的七月,时值三晋黄土高原景色宜人之际,由中国记协在山西日报社召开的全国新闻助困经验交流会胜利结束了。这是一次检阅新闻助困成绩、继续鼓劲加油的会议,是总结交流、相互促进、传经送宝的会议。我们热烈祝贺这次会议的圆满成功! 做好国有企业下岗职工基本生活保障和再就业工作,是关系到改革、发展、稳定的头等大事。党中央、国务院对此十分重视,制定了有关
In midsummer, in July, when the scenery of Sanjin’s loess plateau was pleasant, the victory of the National Press Assist Experience Exchange Conference held by the China Association of Recordgers in Shanxi Daily ended. This is a review of the news help the performance, to continue to cheer up the meeting, is to sum up the exchange, promote each other, pass the treasure to send the meeting. We warmly congratulate on the successful outcome of this meeting. To do a good job of guaranteeing the basic livelihood security and reemployment of laid-off workers from state-owned enterprises is a top priority for the reform, development and stability. The Central Party Committee and the State Council attach great importance to this and have formulated relevant provisions