Krein space approach to robust H_∞ filtering for linear uncertain systems

来源 :Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:m104129495
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A novel Krein space approach to robust H ∞ filtering for linear uncertain systems is developed. The parameter uncertainty, entering into both states and measurement equations, satisfies an energy-type constraint. Then a Krein space approach is used to tackle the robust H ∞ filtering problem. To this end, a new Krein space formal system is designed according to the original sum quadratic constraint (SQC) without introducing any nonzero factors into it and, consequently, the estimate recursion is obtained through the filter gain in Krein space. Finally, a numerical example is given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. A novel Krein space approach to robust H ∞ filtering for linear uncertain systems is developed. The parameter uncertainty, entering into both states and measurement equations, is an energy-type constraint. Then a Krein space approach is used to tackle the robust H ∞ filtering problem. To this end, a new Krein space formal system is designed according to the original sum quadratic constraint (SQC) without introducing any nonzero factors into it and, therefore, the estimate recursion is obtained through the filter gain in Krein space. Finally, a numerical example is given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
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面对记者,陈建斌条理清晰,反应敏捷,抛出的每一句话都是干货,这也如同他的性格,玩不得半点花招。2014年是陈建斌的电影元年。11月 22日金马奖在台湾颁布,次日,陈建斌和他的《一个勺子》占据各大头条。他凭《一个勺子》获得最佳新导演和最佳男主角,同时凭借钮承泽导演的《军中乐园》获得了最佳男配角,成为金马奖自 1962年创办以来揽获最佳男主角和最佳男配角的第一人。  陈建斌在颁奖典礼上激动地表示:“对