新老合作谱华章 齐心协力建小康

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又是一年芳草绿,又到一年“两会”时。今年的“两会”是紧随中共十六大,恰逢万众瞩目的换届盛会。会议认真落实中共十六大作出的战略部署,紧密围绕全面建设小康社会的宏伟目标,确定了一系列重大的方针政策,选举和决定了新一届国家机构和全国政协领导人,是一次继往开来、开拓创新、团结奋进的大会。民进中央常务副主席张怀西同志在本次政协会议上当选为十届全国政协副主席。“两会”期间,民进的130位新老代表、委员汇聚京城,为实现全面建设小康社会的目标和任务,就教育、文化、行政体制改革、环境保护与可持续发展等问题为国计民生出谋划策。一份份字斟句酌、内容丰富的提案、议案,一次次出口成章的发言、应答,展示出民进代 Another year green grass, to the year “two sessions”. This year’s “NPC and CPPCC” follow the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, which coincides with the renewal event that has drawn much attention. The conference earnestly implemented the strategic plan made by the 16th National Congress of the CPC and closely followed the grand goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. It set a series of major principles and policies, elected and decided the leaders of the new state organs and CPPCC National Committee, Pioneering and innovative, united and forging ahead of the General Assembly. Zhang Huixi, executive vice chairman of the Central Committee of the Chinese People’s Democratic Republic, was elected vice chairman of the CPPCC National Committee at the CPPCC session. During the period of “the NPC and CPPCC”, 130 new and old delegates and members of the DPP came together in the capital city to make suggestions for the national economy and the people’s livelihood on the goals and tasks of building an overall well-to-do society on education, culture, administrative system reform, environmental protection and sustainable development. A copy of the word carefully, rich in content of the proposal, the motion, time and time again to export a speeches, response, demonstrate the people into the generation
法刊《当代马克思》总第46期(2009)刊登了法国著名马克思主义学者米歇尔.罗伊(Michael Lwy)的文章,题为《马克思主义的政党理论》。文章回顾了20世纪马克思主义理论中关于
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【正】 10月21日下午,农工党江苏省委组织党员中的在宁全国和省人大代表、政协委员和农工党江苏省委常委、委员召开座谈会,学习中共十六届三中全会精神。会议由全国人大代表
“九五”期间,我们以创建教育强县、教育强市和示范性乡 (镇 )成人文化技术学校评估为目标,初步建成了县、乡、村三级农村成人教育培训网络,取得了一些经验,但也遇到一些新困难。
随着我国改革开放的不断深入,企业外部环境的变化将日新月异,探索企业管理的有效方式,将是企业管理工作者一个永恒的课题。 一、企业管理方式可划分为传统型、技术型和领导型