
来源 :中国刑事法杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:k1165445191
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军事是一种奠基在整体主义观念之上的人类社会活动,整体主义观念意味着以下推论:在个体与整体之间的关系上,个体要服从整体。在个体与个体之间的关系上,要在整体的指导之下进行协同。在个体权益与整体利益发生冲突的情况下,整体有权力牺牲个体。这就使得军事刑法与普通刑法在价值取向上迥然不同。在自由与秩序两大对立的价值范畴之间,军事刑法优先地选择了秩序。在正义与功利两大对立的价值范畴之间,军事刑法功利性地采取了军事利益保护优先,兼顾公平的做法。 The military is a kind of human social activity based on the concept of holism. The concept of holism implies that the individual should obey the whole in the relationship between the individual and the whole. In the relationship between individuals and individuals, under the guidance of the overall synergy. In the case of conflicts between the individual rights and interests and the overall interests, the entire body has the power to sacrifice the individual. This makes the difference between the value orientation of military criminal law and ordinary criminal law. Between the two diametrically opposite categories of freedom and order, the military criminal law has given priority to order. In the two diametrically opposite categories of justice and utilitarianism, the military criminal law takes the utilitarian priority of protecting military interests and gives consideration to fair practices.
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