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9月是一个影响着中国千万家庭的月份,对于在高考的千军万马中幸运过关的孩子来说,他们入学后真正需要独自面对和承担责任的人生即将开始,而对于他们的父母,兴奋之余不得不面对孩子接受高等教育所要付出的金钱代价。而这仅仅是一个开始,深造、就业、创业,这不只是孩子每一次人生的转折点,更是父母的压力和负担加重的一层层砝码。金钱的准备,是大学路上第一个需要度过的关口,何其重要,但有时也令人无奈,因为并不是每个家庭都能有一掷千金的潇洒。在理财上未雨绸缪还是杂乱无章,一个看似差异微小的选择,也许正是决定一个家庭命运的关键所在。为此,本刊邀请了中央财经大学保险系首届保险理财规划师万里祥先生以及中国人寿北京分公司高级业务经理张建红女士共同探讨保险理财,向需要为孩子积累财富帮助他们学习、成长的父母提供理财的选择和方向。 September is a month that affects millions of families in China. For those children lucky enough to pass the multitude of college entrance examinations, their real life needs to be faced and taken on their own by the end of their school year, and for their parents , I am excited to face the financial cost of children’s higher education. This is just a beginning, postgraduate, employment, entrepreneurship, this is not just a turning point in every child’s life, but also the layers of weight and pressure parents are exacerbating. The preparation for the money is the first pass on the way to university. It is important, but sometimes frustrating, because not every family can afford to spend big bucks. Taking precautions in your money management can still be disorganized. A seemingly minor choice may be the key to determining the fate of a family. To this end, we invited Mr. Wan Li Xiang, First Financial Planner, Insurance Department, Central University of Finance and Economics, and Ms. Zhang Jianhong, Senior Business Manager of China Life Beijing Branch, to discuss insurance financing and offer them to parents who need to accumulate wealth for their children to help them learn and grow. Financial choice and direction.
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Young female artist Cao Yilin is particularly skilled in highlighting the spirit through artistic narration. With her poetic creativity, painting ingenious and
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