7月6日晚上,新加坡,巴黎人哭了,伦敦人欣喜若狂,当国际奥委会主席罗格宣布“伦敦”的时候,一位筹委会的女孩子踩着椅子,跳到了桌子上,对着镜头眼泪夺眶而出。那晚上的电视节目,都是一种强忍着的做作,巴不得等着第二天7月7日到来,电视,报纸,游行,酒吧,大肆地庆祝一下,毕竟英国的喜讯太少了。7月7日清晨,我起床的时候,BBC 报道伦敦地铁被炸了。幸好,我不在伦敦,我在布里斯托。到了实验室,我发现 BBC 的网站已经瘫痪了,手机也一度不通。MSN
On the evening of July 6, Singaporeans and Parisians cried and Londoners were overjoyed. When IOC President Roger announced “London”, a PC girl stepped on a chair and jumped to On the table, tears in the face of the camera. That night’s TV shows were a formidable piece of work. They had to wait for the coming day on July 7 with television, newspapers, parades and bars to celebrate with fantastic news after all. Early on July 7, when I got up, the BBC reported that the London Underground was blown up. Fortunately, I am not in London, I am in Bristol. When I got to the lab, I found the website of the BBC was paralyzed, and the phone was once blocked. MSN