Learn from the Nature, Bring Forth Vivid Design Works 2005 Famous Sino-Foreign Landscape Architectur

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Every scholar is produced through cultivation by the teachers. Therefore, the lectures of the famous masters have become valuable opportunities for the young generation to learn knowledge. On April 23, 2005, the Famous Chinese and Foreign Landscape Experts Forum 2005 attracted plenty of notable experts. Julius Fabos, an honorary professor of the Landscape Architecture and Planning Department of the University of Massachusetts, is the Gold Medalist of the American Society of Landscape Architecture (ASLA), and a national-level landscape design master, as well as the initiator of the “greenway”. Because, the lectures of the famous masters have become valuable talents for the young generation to learn knowledge. On April 23, 2005, the Famous Chinese and Foreign Landscape Experts Forum 2005 . Julius Fabos, an honorary professor of the Landscape Architecture and Planning Department of the University of Massachusetts, is the Gold Medalist of the American Society of Landscape Architecture (ASLA), and a national-level landscape design master, as well as the initiator of the “greenway”.
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