
来源 :中学地理教学参考 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bluesky8013
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初中地理课程改革在我市实施了三年,这三年全体初中地理教师用务实的态度紧跟课改的步伐,积极投身新课改,认真参与新课改的各级各类培训和研讨活动,努力领会新课改精神、学习新课程标准、重塑新课程理念、把握新课程教材、探索新课程教学方法,在努力学习、积极尝试、勇于探索中不断提高。一、课改实验稳步推进 1.观念的转变经过不断地学习、实践和反思,教师逐步明确在新课程实施过程中该继承什么、发展什么,并自觉地将新课程理念转 The junior high school geography curriculum reform was implemented in our city for three years. In the past three years, all junior high school geography teachers followed the pace of curriculum reform with a pragmatic approach, actively participated in new curriculum reforms, and seriously participated in various types of training and seminars at all levels of the new curriculum reform. Efforts to understand the spirit of the new curriculum reform, to learn new curriculum standards, to reshape the concept of the new curriculum, to grasp the new curriculum materials, to explore new methods of teaching methods, in the hard work of learning, actively trying, dare to explore constantly improve. First, the curriculum reform experiment advances steadily 1. The change of concept After continuous learning, practice and reflection, the teacher gradually clear what should be inherited and developed in the implementation process of the new curriculum, and consciously transfer the new curriculum concept
On April 18th, German Stolfig Group’s joint venture-Stolfig (Huaihua) Light Metal ManufactureCompany Ltd announced to start constructinga magnesium alloy adva
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