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<正> 我们阅览部设有报纸阅览室、期刊阅览室、综合阅览室、外借室、目录室。共有当年报纸170来种、社科期刊1,200多种、复印报刊资料80来种、中文图书42万册,阅览座位250多个,每年接待读者30来万人次,占全馆的92%以上。我们感到,图书馆是精神文明的窗口,图书馆工作者有责任辅导读者正确有效地利用图书馆,使图书馆在两个文明建设中发挥积极作用。怎样辅导阅读?我们做了以下一些工作:
<正> 一 1、期刊实行在版统一编号的必要性是不言而喻的,这里无需赘言。 2、我国现行的、由邮电部门编用的期刊代号仅仅适用于期刊的发行(确切些说,它仅仅适用于公开正式出版
The author of this article proposes that the representation of Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace’s theory on “variation and selection” in the living world is
The aim of this paper is to continue analyzing the interactions in the three-body system made up of the Sun, the Moon, and the Earth. First, we review new detai
Body mass is considered to be related with immune function in animals. Our aim was to test the hypothesis that cellular and innate immunity would be suppressed
Protein secretion plays an important role in bacterial lifestyles. In Gram-negative bacteria, a wide range of proteins are secreted to modulate the interactions
Nanoporous anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) with uniform and controllable pore diameters and periods over a wide range has been explored for various applications due
<正> 我国最早使用“图书馆”这一名称的图书馆——湖南常德图书馆。过去人们认为是1904年建立的湖北省图书馆和湖南省图书馆,但早在1903年(癸卯年)7月1日的《湖南官报》(现
An experiment was carried out for two consecutive growing seasons (2012 and 2013) at the Research Site of the Lower Niger River Basin Development Authority, Eji
A brief review of the author’s works in the sphere of thermodynamic theory of aging is presented. Particular attention is given to justification of the methods