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主持人语:大数据时代意味着新的发展战略,世界范围内大数据时代已经悄然来临,大数据时代、智能化生产和无线网络革命是引领未来经济增长的三大技术变革,发达国家纷纷将开发利用大数据作为夺取新一轮产业竞争制高点的重要抓手,一些国家也都把大数据提升到国家战略层面,大数据思维和理念正在成为全球战略思维的新常态,发达国家在新一轮的产业革命中纷纷提出大数据战略。未来国家竞争力将体现为一国拥有大数据的规模及运用大 Moderator: Big Data era means a new development strategy, the era of big data in the world has come quietly, the era of big data, intelligent production and wireless network revolution is to lead the future economic growth of the three major technological changes, developed countries have to Big Data is being exploited and developed as an important starting point for seizing the commanding height of the new round of industrial competition. Some countries have also raised big data to the national strategic level. Big data thinking and concepts are becoming the new normal in global strategic thinking. In the new round of development, In the industrial revolution have put forward big data strategy. The future national competitiveness will be reflected in the size and use of a country’s possession of big data
2 0 0 2年 11月 1日 ,“秦皇岛海上溢油应急反应中心成立会议”在河北省省会石家庄市胜利闭幕。该中心是在交通部和河北省委、省政府的大力支持下组建的非盈利性联合性溢油应
本文拟以译林新版《英语》五(上)Unit 3 Our animal friends为例,探讨在单元不同课时中,挖掘教材板块资源,优化写话教学的有效策略。一、语篇阅读课:听、说领先,以写促读本课
人类的各种活动,皆由一定的动机所引发,学生进行学习,也离不开学习动机的支配。培养学生正确的学习动机,是我们教学首先要解决的重要问题。 一、利用美术谈话,使学生明确学
The heat budget is analyzed in the surface-layer (0-50 m) Pacific of the equatorial band (10°S-10°N), using the simulation of an ocean general circulation mod