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去年9月,我随中国化工代表团去英国参加在布赖敦(Brighton)举行的第六届国际医药化学讨论会,会后有机会考察了英国几个制药公司的有关研究所,了解了它们目前的研究动态。从1975年英国开发北海油田以来,化工原料来源较为充沛,为医药工业的发展提供了良好的基础。目前全英加入制药工业协会的约有72个制药企业,职工总人数约有74000人,药品总销售额据1977年统计约为13.2亿英镑,科研人员约有10200人(约占职工总人数的13.78%),研究费用为1.5亿英镑(约占销售额的11.38%)。资本主义的商业竞争推动了英国医药工业科研的发展。他们认为,当前实验室的竞争比市场竞争更为重要,因此各制药公司的科研任务科研方向都服务于产品,选题根据市场的需要,通过价值规律起作用。在竞争中求生存,在竞争中前进。他们的科研工作有如下七个特点。第一个特点是各制药企业都占有自己的领域,并具有各自的特色。例如 Glaxo 和 Wellcome 两个公司,都是以研究半合成抗菌素而闻名,前者更着重于头孢菌素类新抗菌素,现正从事于用化学动力学方法研究 Last September, I went to England with the Chinese chemical delegation to attend the 6th International Symposium on Pharmaceutical Chemistry in Brighton. After the meeting, I had the opportunity to inspect the relevant institutes of several pharmaceutical companies in Britain and understand them Current research trends. Since the development of the North Sea oilfield in Britain in 1975, the sources of chemical raw materials have been abundant, providing a good foundation for the development of the pharmaceutical industry. At present, there are about 72 pharmaceutical companies joining the Pharmaceutical Industry Association in the whole country. The total number of employees is about 74,000. According to the statistics of 1977, the total sales amount of medicines is about 13.2 billion pounds. There are about 10,200 scientific researchers (about the total number of employees 13.78%), research costs £ 150 million (about 11.38% of sales). The commercial competition of capitalism has promoted the scientific research of British pharmaceutical industry. In their opinion, the current laboratory competition is more important than the competition in the market. Therefore, the scientific research tasks of various pharmaceutical companies serve the products. The topics are chosen according to the needs of the market and through the law of value. Survive in the competition, advance in the competition. Their research has the following seven characteristics. The first feature is that all pharmaceutical companies have their own areas, and have their own characteristics. Glaxo and Wellcome, for example, are well-known for their work on semi-synthetic antibiotics, the former focusing on new cephalosporins and are now working on chemical kinetics
目的:探讨卵巢上皮性肿瘤中FK506结合蛋白38(FK506-binding protein 38,FKBP38)蛋白的表达及潜在的临床意义。方法:采用免疫组化的方法检测20例正常输卵管组织,30例卵巢上皮
电脑音乐能导致思维科学的突破,从而有助于工程师们设计“思维”计算机。麻省理工学院(MHT)的科学教授、研究人工智能的知名领导人马文·明斯基(Marwin Minsky)坚信音乐是前
项目概述  养生茶是一种具天然功效的茶叶或数种茶叶搭配的茶方,且通过消费者冲泡饮用发挥其“茶疗养生”保健功效的新型茶方产品。品茶爱好者在喝茶时既能品味到茶的香醇,又可达到养生健本、预防疾病的保健效果。  产品优势  1.好水泡好茶:高科技设备制碱性水。  公司特别引进的高科技量子能量活水系统可将酸性的自来水烧开后,变为小分子团的PH值大于7的弱碱性水。与普通方法烧开的酸性水相比,碱性水质泡出的茶没
乙酰螺旋霉素(Acetyl Spiramy-cin)是大环内酯类抗生素螺旋霉素(Spi-ramycin)的半合成衍生物。 1974年中国医学科学院抗菌素研究所从甘肃永昌县土壤中分离得到一株链霉菌L_(