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拉枝是果树整形修剪的方法之一。但往往由于绳索过细和忘记解除,绳索随着枝条的生长增粗便镶在枝条内,产生很深的沟槽,多年都不易复原。还有些农户为图方便,在房屋附近的果树枝条拉上铁线,用来晾晒衣服,也产生了很深的缢痕。这种缢痕严重影响枝条的输导能力,增加病虫感染的机会。遇上大风大雨或人为弯折及结果多时,极易从缢痕处折断,影响树势和产量。笔者今年暑假在家乡平南就看到了丰产龙眼树由于拉枝造成缢痕而导致枝条折断的现象。补救的方法是:①及时解除拉在枝条上的绳索、铁线,避免缢痕再度加深。②解除拉枝绳索时,发现有缢痕,做好标记,于果树旺盛生长月份,用锋利的刀将沟槽内的皮层切去一圈,沿着沟槽边沿一 Pulling branches is one of the ways to prune fruit trees. However, often due to the rope too thin and forget to lift the rope with the growth of branches will be thick in the branches, resulting in deep grooves, not easy to recover for many years. Still other farmers in order to facilitate the map, in the vicinity of the house on the branches of fruit trees pulled wire, used to dry clothes, but also had a deep scar marks. Such marks seriously affect the ability of shoots to increase the chance of pest infection. In case of heavy rain or artificial bending and the result is long, easily broken from the marks, affecting the tree vigor and yield. This summer I saw in my hometown Pingnan longan trees due to the resulting stretch marks caused by broken branches of the phenomenon of broken branches. Remedy is: ① promptly lift the pull in the branches of the rope, wire, to avoid further deepened marks. ② lift the cable pull rope, found a mark, mark, in the vigorous growth of fruit trees in months, with a sharp knife to cut the cortex in the cortex in a circle, along the groove edge of a
历年来,日烧病成为影响青椒产量、品质最重要的生理性病害,笔者经过1996至1998年三年的试验摸索,总结了有关日烧病的防治技术,具体介绍如下: 一、症状 日烧病主要发生在果实
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果树施药,若农药停用过早,不利于消灭晚期病虫;停用过晚,果实内的残留量太高,食用后不利健康。 具体要求是:三氯杀螨醇在果树上应用的安全间隔期不少于45天;1605在苹果树上(
黄金是最古老和最具价值的金属之一,令不少人趋之若鹜。据媒体消息,美国纽约市是世界上贮存黄金的重地,位于华尔街的纽约联邦储备银行大楼地库则是鲜为人知的全球最大金库,那里存放着世界上60余个国家和国际机构的黄金,总储量约占全球黄金储备的25%,可谓不折不扣的“世界金库”。  在这里,流传着形形色色令人着迷的黄金故事——有人说,欧洲人把众多黄金藏在美国,是因为担心俄罗斯有朝一日会“入侵欧洲”;还有人说,