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党的十四届五中全会通过的《建议》,把“实施科教兴国”战略作为一条重要指导方针,并把建立企业技术进步机制作为一大关键,这是为实现我国今后15年现代化建设奋斗目标的重大战略决策.当前我国企业的技术进步缓慢,企业技术装备大多处于六七十年代水平,工业企业设备近1/5老化,超期服役率达40%.机电行业中主要机械产品达到世界70年代末、80年代初水平的只占1/3,达到目前世界水平的只占5% .一些主要行业的先进技术和关键设备主要靠进口,消化、吸引和创新能力差,“一代又一代”引进的现象相当严重.展望未来企业经济发展趋势,究竟如何在新的宏观背景条件下,建立适应市场经济需要的企业技术进步机制,已是一个亟待解决的大问题. The “Proposal” passed by the Fifth Plenary Session of the 14th CPC Central Committee regards “implementing the strategy of ”invigorating the country through science and education" as an important guiding principle, and regards the establishment of a mechanism for technological advancement of enterprises as a key, which is to fight for the realization of China’s modernization in the next 15 years. The major strategic decisions of the target. The current technological progress of Chinese enterprises is slow. Most of the technological equipment of enterprises is in the 1960s and 1970s. Nearly 1/5 of the equipment of industrial enterprises is aging and 40% of extended service rates. The major mechanical products in the electromechanical industry reach 70 The level of the end of the decade and the beginning of the 1980s accounted for only 1/3, and only 5% of the current world level. The advanced technologies and key equipment of some major industries rely mainly on imports, and their ability to digest, attract, and innovate is poor, “generation after generation”. The introduction of the phenomenon is quite serious. Looking into the future trend of corporate economic development, how to establish a mechanism for the technological advancement of enterprises to meet the needs of the market economy under the new macro-background conditions is a major issue that needs to be resolved.
经第七届理事会组织部分理事和学术委员评审,确定立项研究课题158项,其中重点课题69项,一般课题89项,现公布如下.(招标课题另行公布) After the seventh session of the Bo
法定代表人:周有泉杭州市桐庐邮电器材总厂地处秀丽的富春江畔、桐庐县城内,距杭州市90公里,环境优美,水陆交通两便。该厂1980年开始生产邮电通信器材产品,是 Legal representati
1927年4月18日,国民政府正式成立。根据蒋介石的建议,定都南京,国民政府的办公地点就在“总统府”。但这时不叫总统府,全称是“中华民国国民政府”。 On April 18, 1927, th
建筑光照技术有三个基本任务:天然光能的利用;在室内創造出适合视力的良好光线和色彩环境;确定光的建筑艺术的美学作用。 天然光能的利用 利用天然光能可以降低照明用电量。
月球,这世界的灯笼,它朗朗地照耀着人类,人类一代又一代地深情凝望着它,产生了无数美好的传说。月球是茫茫宇宙中离地球最近的一个星球,然而,我们人类对它又了解多少呢? The