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随着课程改革的深化,教学实践中关注个体差异的评价方式越来越受到重视。本期所刊文章围绕个体差异化评价与使学生得到最大程度发展的关系展开论述。第一篇文章贾齐教授采用思维实验的方式,就两种不同类型的学习评价对体育课程教学产生的不同影响展开论证;第二篇文章从“质”与“量”两个维度,对运动技能学习的“进步幅度”与课堂教学的融合进行了探讨;第三篇文章从关系思维的视角对运动技能学习中运用统一标尺,实施个体差异评价进行了思考。精选的三篇文章观点鲜明,相信会引发大家对“学习评价”的进一步思考。前期,案例研析分别就目标、内容、教学方法及教学评价进行了逐个梳理。如何予以整体把握,构建一个完整的教学设计?案例研析第六期将围绕此问题展开,期待各地一线教师、教研员和专家学者继续围绕该专题展开研讨与交流(研讨网址:http://bbs.sports.edu.cn/forumdisplay.php?fid=49&page=1)。 With the deepening of the curriculum reform, more and more attention has been paid to the evaluation methods that focus on individual differences in teaching practice. This issue of articles around the individual differences between the evaluation and the students to maximize the development of the relationship discussed. In the first article, Professor Jacey uses the way of thinking experiment to demonstrate the different effects of two different types of learning evaluation on PE teaching. The second article discusses the influence of two different types of learning evaluation on the teaching of physical education. The second article from the “quality” and “quantity” two Dimensions, the discussion about the integration of “improvement range” and classroom teaching of motor skills learning; the third article considers the use of unified scales and the evaluation of individual differences from the perspective of relational thinking. The three selected articles have clear-cut views and believe that they will lead to further thinking on “learning evaluation”. In the early stage, the case studies separately reviewed the goals, contents, teaching methods and teaching evaluation. How to grasp the whole, to build a complete teaching design? Case study sixth will focus on this issue, looking forward to teachers, researchers and experts and scholars around the topic continue to discuss and exchange (seminar URL: http: // bbs.sports.edu.cn/forumdisplay.php?fid=49&page=1).
随着现代医药知识的普及,许多家庭都有感冒药,尤其是速效感冒胶囊,一些人稍有不适,就随时服用,造成长期滥用的严重后果。 速效感冒胶囊的主要成份为扑热息痛、咖啡因、扑尔
Binuclear Cu(Ⅰ) complex [Cu(dppm)(NO_3)]2 (dppm=Ph_2PCH_2PPh_2) and mononuclear Cu(Ⅰ) complex [Cu(dppe)(NO_3)] (dppe=Ph_2PCH_2CH_2PPh_2) have been synthesize