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乡广播站,是我国各级广播台(站)连接村广播室和千家万户的基层枢纽,是乡党委、乡政府的宣传教育工具,是全乡人民的新闻舆论中心,是县以下唯一的新闻机构。乡站有线广播的特殊功能是:宣传党的政策,组织生产,传播信息。党的十一属三中全会后,我们这里也和全国农村一样,普遍进行了改革,生产经营单位由过去的生产队变成了一家一户。农民的传统思维方式受到了农村大变革的冲击,乡村干部的工作方法也由过去命令指挥的硬性手段转变为富有弹性的宣传示范和产前产后服务。这样 Township radio station, is China’s radio stations at all levels (stations) to connect the village radio room and thousands of households at the grassroots hub, is the township party committee and township government propaganda and education tools, is the township people’s news media center, is the only county News agency. Township station cable radio special features are: publicize the party’s policies, organize production, dissemination of information. After the Third Plenary Session of the Party belongs to the Third Plenary Session of the Third Plenary Session of the CPC Central Committee, we, like the rural areas in our country, have conducted common reforms and the production and operation units have become one family by the production team in the past. The traditional way of thinking of peasants has been impacted by the great changes in the countryside. The methods of working for rural cadres have also been transformed from the hard tactics that were commanded and directed by the past into flexible propaganda and demonstration and prenatal and postnatal services. such
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