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政府购买公共服务首先出现在英国,其后开始从1980年,在全世界范围内掀起一阵政府购买公共服务的浪潮,它是民营化的产物,同时也是政府采购的组成部分。各国的学者和专家一直对其进行研究与探讨。而现如今它成为我国政府和社会不断关注和研究讨论的焦点。但是由于我国政府改变自己之前由自己提供公共服务的方式,转为向社会组织购买公共服务是开始于20世纪90年代,属于起步晚,因此在诸多方面仍然存在着层出不穷的问题,如果不解决,那么这项改革继续下去,将举步维艰。在本文中,笔者首先从剖析政府向社会购买公共服务的相关概念入手,然后总结从出现至今,政府向社会购买公共服务中所取得的成效以及其存在的突出问题,并针对这些问题给出相应的解决对策和建议。 After the government first purchased public services in the United Kingdom, it started a wave of government purchases of public services around the world starting in 1980, a product of privatization and an integral part of government procurement. Scholars and experts from all over the world have been studying and discussing them. Today, however, it has become the focus of continuous attention and discussion by our government and society. However, since the government of our country changed its way of providing public services by itself and the transition to buying public services from social organizations started in the late 1990s, it was a late start. Therefore, there are still endless problems in many aspects. If it is not resolved, Then the reform will continue, it will be difficult. In this article, the author starts with the analysis of the related concepts of the government purchasing public services to the society, and then summarizes the achievements made by the government in purchasing public services from the present and the outstanding problems that exist in the public services, and gives corresponding answers to these problems Solution to the problem and suggestions.
小寨天坑是目前世界上已发现的规模最大的天坑(坑口直径626 m,最大深度662 m),对天坑生物多样性的研究具有代表意义。将其在垂直深度上等距划分为5个梯度,分析各个梯度苔藓植