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随着经济的发展和科技的进步,全球化的进程加快,英语俨然已经成为一门交流与沟通的重要工具。中学生像是早晨八九点钟的太阳,肩负着祖国的未来和希望,初中英语的学习更是起着承上启下的重要作用。 With the development of economy and progress of science and technology, the process of globalization has accelerated. English has become an important tool for communication and communication. Middle school students, like the sun at eight or nine o’clock in the morning, shoulder the future and hope of the motherland, and learning in junior high school plays an important role in connecting with each other.
Low-resistivity oil layers are often missed in logging interpretation because of their resistivity close to or below the resistivity of nearby water layers. Typ
通过对18例气虚型心肌梗塞患者的 Swan—Ganz 导管检查、心电监护和随访,发现血流动力学与临床分型和 Lown 分级有一定相关性,前者对于估计预后更有意义。PWP、CI 和LVSWI 等
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患者男性,53岁,因反复技作性心慌、头晕、气短10余年,多次就诊均诊断为“A 型预激综合征并阵发性室上性心动过速”。此次因劳累后突感心慌伴头晕,气短10余分钟而入院。查体:
In this paper, incised valley filling deposits, which formed an important pathway system for long-distance hydrocarbon migration, are discussed in detail based
遗传性球形红细胞增多症(HereditarySpherocytosis HS)是一种红细胞膜异常所引起的慢性遗传性溶血性贫血疾病。自1871年Vanlair 和Masius 报道以来,国内外已有不少报道,我院
This paper discusses the systematic design and development of low-damage drilling fluid to protect the low-permeability gas reservoir of the Sulige block in the