Research of silane film cooperation with ZrO_2 on electrogalvanized steel

来源 :Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English Letters) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:joshua5201314
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The silane composite film formed on electrogalvanized steel sheet by silane film with ZrO2 improve the corrosion resistance.The surface morphology,the structure and composition as well as the corrosion resistance of the prepared silane composite film were investigated by SEM,AFM,XPS and electrochemical test.The experimental results showed that the structure of the silane composite film was composed of Si-O-Si three-dimensional network doped with ZrO2 showing excellent corrosion resistance,because the structure of this kind of composite film has much less micropore which improves the uniform and density of the silane film.improves the uniform and density of the silane film. The silane composite film formed on electrogalvanized steel sheet by silane film with ZrO2 improve the corrosion resistance. The surface morphology, the structure and composition as well as the corrosion resistance of the prepared silane composite film were investigated by SEM, AFM, XPS and electrochemical test . The experimental results showed that the structure of the silane composite film was composed of Si-O-Si three-dimensional network doped with ZrO2 showing excellent corrosion resistance, because the structure of this kind of composite film has much less micropore which improves the uniform and density of the silane film. imporves the uniform and density of the silane film.
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摘 要:数学教学中多媒体的有效运用,能变静态为动态,变无声为有声,变抽象为具体,让学生在学习中始终保持兴奋、愉悦、渴求上进的心理状态,有利于提高课堂教学效率,培养学生的探索创新能力,促进师生互动与情感的交流。  关键词:多媒体;数学教学;情境;兴趣;教学效率;创新能力  随着新课程改革的不断深入和社会信息化进程的不断加快,多媒体越来越多地被应用于教育领域。在数学教学中利用多媒体技术辅助教学,能够极