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“盛世修史”。由刘绪贻教授和杨生茂教授任总主编的六卷本《美国通史》(人民出版社 2 0 0 2年 10月版 ) ,是中国美国史学界老中青三代历史学家四分之一个世纪齐心协作、努力探索的学术结晶。它既是改革开放新时期中国美国史学水平的一次检阅 ,更是新时期中国美国史学发展历程的一个缩影。六卷本《美国通史》的出版不仅对于中国美国史学具有里程碑意义 ,而且对于中国学术界如何有力地抵制游谈无根的浮躁学风 ,对于中国外国史研究如何走出一条具有中国特色的学科建设之路、为国外同仁奉献出中国历史学家的外国史精品著作 ,也都具有多方面的启示意义与作用。本刊特约六卷本《美国通史》的撰著者、编辑出版者以及国内著名的美国史学者 ,分别从各自不同的角度 ,围绕通史的撰著和出版历程、学术价值和社会价值等问题 ,畅谈己见。南开大学历史学院李剑鸣教授对本刊的这次学术活动给予了充分的支持。这些文章短小精悍 ,风格各异 ,思路纷呈 ,持论公允 ,思想深刻 ,情感真切 ,启迪丰富。现予以刊出 ,以飨读者 ,亦为未来的学术史研究者保存一份有价值的材料。是为按。 “History of Spirit History.” Six volumes of “General History of the United States” (People’s Publishing House, October 2002 edition), edited by Professor Liu Xuyi and Professor Yang Shengmao, are one-quarter century old among historians of Chinese, American, Concerted collaboration, and strive to explore the academic crystallization. It is not only a review of the historical level of Chinese American history in the new era of reform and opening up, but also a microcosm of the history of the development of American historiography in China in the new era. The publishing of the six volumes of General History of the United States not only has a milestone for Chinese American historiography, but also shows how Chinese academics can effectively resist the impetuous study style of non-existent talks and how China’s foreign history studies can emerge from a disciplinary construction with Chinese characteristics Road, for the foreign colleagues to dedicate Chinese historians of foreign fine works of history, but also has many implications and role. The author of about six volumes of “general history of the United States,” the author, editor and publisher, as well as the famous American historians, respectively, from their different perspectives, around the general history and publishing, academic and social values ​​and other issues, . Professor Li Jianming from Nankai University History College fully supports this academic activity. These articles are short and pithy, with different styles and different ideas. They hold fair opinions, profound thoughts, real emotions and enlightenment. It is now published to readers, but also for future academic history researchers to save a valuable piece of material. Is for press.
溃疡性结肠炎(ulcerative colitis,UC)是发生在结直肠黏膜的一种弥漫性的炎性病变,病因尚未明确,多数学者认为与遗传、饮食、自身免疫等多种因素有关。本病以欧美多见,国内发病率较