
来源 :山西文史资料 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:WRYJL2001
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定襄素以“两高一铁”称誉内外,就是农业上盛产高粱,工业上锻造铁件著称,文艺上高跷秧歌享誉.高跷秧歌俗称唱秧歌,男女角踩着木跷又扭又唱;它是全县群众最为喜爱最为普及的一种广场表演艺术.全县一百五十来个村庄,很少没闹过这种红火的.每年元宵节期间,有半数村庄唱秧歌,直接参与这种活动的不下千人.少年男女,花甲翁妪,士农工商以至政府官员,比比皆见能扭会唱者.它已成为一种民俗风情,呼之即出,出则可唱,年年如此,代代相因. Dingxiang Su “two high and one iron” reputation both inside and outside, that is, agriculture is rich in sorghum, iron forging industry is known for the art of stilts Yangko reputation. Stilts Yangko commonly known as singing Yangko, male and female angle on wooden stilts twist and sing it; it Is the county’s most popular favorite of the most popular kind of square performing arts.The county a hundred and fifty villages, rarely did not make such a prosperous.Every year during the Lantern Festival, half of the village singing yangko directly involved in this Activities of no less than a thousand men and women, flower Squirt Weng, peasants and civil servants and government officials, abounding can twist the singer.It has become a folk customs, call out that out of the singing, every year so, Generations from generation to generation.
The TiO_2 films were prepared on slides by dc reactive magnetron sputtering, then the samples were annealed at 300 ℃,350 ℃,400 ℃,450 ℃,500 ℃ and 550 ℃,res
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唐代诗人白居易在《大林寺桃花》一诗中吟道:“人间四月芳菲尽,山寺桃花始盛开。长恨春归无寻处,不知转入此中来。”春 Bai Juyi, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, said in a
Fluoxetine是由汪大卫等人于1974年研究发现的一种选择性的5-羟色胺(5-HT)摄取抑制剂.现对其结构、代谢、功效及应用前景略作介绍. Fluoxetine is a selective serotonin (