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  Jiang Hailin, a flight attendant of Chongqing Airlines and a part-time teacher of etiquette, is a jack-of-all-trades who is well versed in flower arrangement, tea art, jade appreciation and calligraphy, but she is especially fond of flower arrangement.
  Under the subtle influence of her mother who said the"famous saying" that you can’t live without flowers for a week at home, Jiang Hailin frequents all kinds of flower arrangement salons. As a senior fan of flower arrangement art, she shares with us her best flower arrangement skills of natural style.
  学插花先选流派Choose a Genre Prior to Learning Flower Arrangement
  Jiang Hailin believes that western-style flower arrangement of natural genre is the best choice for office workers for relaxing.
  Chinese flower arrangement lays emphasis on the beauty of lines. You have to outline the artistic conception by arranging a very small amount of flowers in high or low positions and matched with logs, stones, poems and paintings, which is very difficult for beginners.
  Flower arrangement works of western-style, commonly used for wedding banquets, business negotiations and other large occasions, are not suitable for daily life.
  Therefore, western-style flower arrangement art of natural genre, which boasts of being small and beautiful and the use of all flowers and all containers, is more preferable for office workers with limited free time.
  插花器皿選择多More Choices of Flower Arrangement Utensils

  For flower arrangement of natural genre, "everything can be used as a vase". In Jiang Hailin’s home, unique glassware, red wine decanter, glass beverage bottle, bamboo vegetable basket, and even toy packaging box are used for flower arrangement. She suggests that beginners can try to use ready-made vases for an easier start.   The easiest flower arrangement is to put a single flower with good shape into a beautiful vase. There are many vases with unique shapes available on shopping websites. As long as the flowers have a good shape and the vases look good, the flower arrangement will be good overall.
  You can try to use flower baskets and other utensils to arrange flowers when mastering the skills. However, it is easy for inexperienced beginners to make a mess of basket flower arrangement as a lot of flowers are used. Try to make it neat, otherwise, it may become a "lump" of flowers.
  百花皆可用All Flowers are Usable
  There are many flowers available in summer, which is a good time for flower arrangement.
  However, the richer the raw materials, the more you have to learn to choose. The safest option among the many recommendations by Jiang Hailin is to choose flowers in the same color scheme, which will present a more tidy overall effect. The fresh peony and sunflower that Jiang Hailin bought from the flower market are a good match in color.
  Just like fashion art, flower arrangement is beautiful in countless forms and with great freedom in the matching. When selecting flowers, you can put them together to see whether they match in color. Masters can arrange in alarmingly beautiful works with both contrast colors or a mix of colors.
  "Although there is a set of criteria for judging flower arrangement works in competitions, personal preferences count most in daily life."
  插花与节气结合Pair Flower Arrangement with Solar Terms

  In the summer heat of July, lotus can be selected as the main flower, matched with lotus seedpod and some aquatic plants like fragrant thoroughwort, iris and calamus. To make it more elegant, you can add roses, geraldton wax or baby’s breath stars of the same color scheme, as well as arachniodes and senecio cineraria, etc, which can create a cool and refreshing feeling in hot summer.
  Roses become the leading role in flower arrangement on Chinese Valentine’s Day. There are many varieties of roses with a great many matching choices. For example, red roses are can be matched with eupatorium grandiflorum and small chrysanthemum, champagne roses with white carnation plum, smurf roses with happy grass, and pale pink multi-headed roses are good choices for single flower arrangement.
  Jiang Hailin suggest you go to various salons for learning about flower arrangement. "There are many flower arrangement activities available on the Internet with low cost. My average consumption for such activities is about 80 yuan per time, which is much cheaper than what I spent on buying flowers in the flower market."
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