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目的:评价脑血流灌注显像在各种神经系统疾病中诊断价值。方法:对47例脑外伤、脑血管病等神经系统疾病进行99mTc标记双半胱乙酯(99mTcECD)脑血流灌注断层显像,部分检查和CT进行比较。结果:10例轻度脑外伤和4例脑挫裂伤显示局部脑血流量(rCBF)减少,在15例轻度脑外伤,单光子断层成像(SPECT)和CT诊断阳性率分别为40%和13%;11例脑血管病中9例显示病灶处rCBF减少,其中5例出现交叉性神经功能联系中断。在11例脑血管病中SPECT和CT阳性率分别为82%和73%。另有老年性痴呆、癫痫和偏头痛各1例显示rCBF异常。结论:99mTcECD脑血流灌注显像对中枢神经疾病的诊断和研究有重要意义。 Objective: To evaluate the diagnostic value of cerebral perfusion imaging in various neurological diseases. Methods: Totally 47 cases of cerebral diseases such as traumatic brain injury and cerebrovascular disease were subjected to 99mTc-labeled 99mTc-ECD cerebral perfusion tomography. Some examinations were compared with CT. Results: 10 cases of mild traumatic brain injury and 4 cases of cerebral contusion and laceration showed decreased local cerebral blood flow (rCBF). The positive rates of SPECT and CT in 15 cases were 40% and 15% respectively 13%; 9 cases of 11 cases of cerebrovascular disease showed reduced rCBF lesions, of which 5 cases of intercross nerve function interruption. In 11 cases of cerebrovascular disease SPECT and CT positive rates were 82% and 73%. Another Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy and migraine in 1 case showed rCBF abnormalities. Conclusion: 99mTc  ECD cerebral perfusion imaging of central nervous system disease diagnosis and research is of great significance.
以发动群众为起点的“自增长机制”,是未来互联网热点爆发的一根主轴。 The “self-growth mechanism” starting with mobilizing the masses is a major axis for the hot
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