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1、马特乌斯在未成为全世界代表国家队出场次数最多的球员之前,已经通过了室内设计师的资格考试,今后有希望在此间大展拳脚。2、现任英格兰国家队主帅凯文·基冈,曾经凭借《在空中翻腾》(Head over Heels)这首歌,一举跻身流行歌曲十大金曲排行榜之列。3、索斯盖特自从在1996年的欧锦赛上,于家乡父老面前射矢了12码点球后,就再也没操刀主罚过点球,看来这已经成为他心底永远的痛。4、英格兰队的年轻锋将赫斯基的中间名字为“大文豪”(Ivanhoe),但这似乎同他现今的行当毫不搭界。5、攻势足球的开山鼻祖米歇尔斯在带领荷兰队晋身1974年世界杯决赛后,得到了一个“狮身人面像”(TheSphinx)的花名,因为他是惟一一个讲话从未超过两个字的教头。6、葡萄牙队的锋将萨平托曾因拳打国家队助理教练鲁伊·阿盖斯嘴部,而被该国足协处以禁赛处罚。解禁后的萨平托在本届欧锦赛上表现可圈可点。 1. Matthaeus has passed the qualifications of interior designers before becoming the player with the highest number of appearances on behalf of the national team all over the world and hopes to flex its muscles in the future. 2, the current England national team coach Kevin Keegan, once by virtue of “in the sky” (Head over Heels) this song, one of the top ten hit songs list. 3, Southgate since the 1996 European Championships, in front of his hometown father fired a 12 yards penalty kick, no longer punctuated the penalty kick, it seems that this has become his heart forever pain. 4. England’s front-runner Husky’s middle name is “Ivanhoe,” but this seems to have taken the line with his current career. 5, the offensive founder of football Michaelis took the lead in Holland in the 1974 World Cup finals, got a “Sphinx” (TheSphinx) nickname, because he is the only one speech never Teaching head more than two words. 6, Portugal’s striker Sa Pinto has punched the national team assistant coach Rui · Ge Gaisi mouth, and was suspended by the National Football Association Department punishment. After lifting the ban in the performance of this European Championship sapphire remarkable.
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