
来源 :现代生物医学进展 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kongjiahao
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黄芩性味苦寒,可清热燥湿、泻火解毒,历代医籍中记载了黄芩及其配伍方剂治疗肺疾病的功效,现代临床治疗流感的方剂和制剂中黄芩也是常用的一味中药,。黄芩的主要有效成分为黄芩苷、黄芩素和汉黄芩素等,现代研究表明黄芩及其成分对多种流感病毒感染的肺炎动物模型确有效果,其作用机制包括直接抗病毒作用和调节免疫炎症反应两方面。黄芩及其成分通过阻止病毒吸附、抑制病毒基因复制和蛋白合成、抑制神经氨酸酶活性等起到直接的抗病毒作用;通过调节促炎性细胞因子的合成和释放、抑制炎症介质、抗氧化、清除自由基等作用,抑制免疫炎症反应,减轻病理损伤。在调节免疫炎症反应方面的研究总体还偏少,研究也不够系统、深入。今后应加强在调节免疫炎症机制方面的研究,突出中药的特点,阐明黄芩及其成分的药效机制,最终开发出抗流感病毒制剂。 Scutellaria taste bitter cold, heat dampness, purging fire detoxification, ancient medical records in the record of the efficacy of skullcap and its prescriptions for the treatment of lung disease, modern clinical treatment of influenza prescriptions and preparations of skullcap is also commonly used blindly Chinese medicine. Scutellaria baicalin the main active ingredient baicalin, baicalein and wogonin, etc., modern studies have shown that baicalin and its components of a variety of influenza virus infection in animal models of pneumonia indeed effective, its mechanism of action, including direct antiviral effects and the regulation of immune inflammation Two aspects of the reaction. Scutellaria baicalensis and its components play a direct antiviral effect by preventing virus adsorption, inhibiting viral gene duplication and protein synthesis, and inhibiting neuraminidase activity; inhibiting the inflammatory mediators, anti-oxidation , Eliminate free radicals and other effects, inhibit immune inflammation, reduce pathological damage. In the regulation of immunological inflammatory response to the overall research is still less than normal, the study is not systematic enough. Future research should be strengthened in the regulation of immune inflammation mechanisms, highlighting the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine, elucidate the mechanism of efficacy of baicalin and its components, and ultimately the development of anti-influenza virus preparations.
AIM: To establish a high-throughput model for screening anti-tumor agents capable of promoting the polymeriza- tion of tubulin in vitro. METHODS: Tubulin was p
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CD8+调节性T细胞(T regulatory cells,Treg)是一组具有免疫调节功能的细胞群,在维持机体免疫功能稳态及建立移植免疫耐受中发挥着重要作用。CD8+Treg通过细胞间直接接触机制
美国《新闻周刊》1998年2月16日登载维罗尼卡·钱伯斯发的消息:息影文坛二十多年的前美国黑人女作家盖尔·琼斯(GaylJones)的新作长篇小说《抚慰创伤》(The Healing)于一周