乔治·奥威尔(George Orwell,1903—1950),英国小说家兼散文和社会评论家。生于孟加拉,后回英国,毕业于伊顿公学一九二二年至一九二七年在印度皇家警察驻缅甸的部队中任职一九二七年因不满殖民主义政策,离开缅甸返回欧洲。先后住在巴黎和伦敦,曾任教师,并从此开始从事文学创作。一九三七年作为普通士兵参加了西班牙内战,后负伤回到英国。他的主要作品有长篇小说《缅甸岁月》(一九三四)、《向卡塔洛尼亚致敬》(■九三八)、《动物农场》(一九四五)和《一九八四》(一九四八)。他一生还写有大量散文和文学评论文章,文集有《狄更斯、戴利及其他》(一九四六)、《英国人民》(一九四七)、《射象记及其他》(■九五○)等。这里介绍的四篇书评译自他逝世后编辑出版的奥威尔《论文书信集》(一九六八),从中读者可以看到他桀骜独特的见解和活泼而又讲究的文风。董乐山先生的评论则对这组书评的作者进行了一番中肯的分析,是一份了解奥威尔的丰富材料。
George Orwell (1903-1950), English novelist and essayist and social critic. Born in Bangladesh and returned to England, Eton graduated from the Royal College of Police in Burma in 1922-1927. In 1927, he left Burma for return to Europe for dissatisfaction with colonialism. Has lived in Paris and London, former teacher, and has been engaged in literary creation. In 1937, he participated in the Spanish Civil War as an ordinary soldier and returned to the United Kingdom after wounded. His major works include the novel “The Years in Myanmar” (1934), “Tribute to Catalonia” (■ 138), “Animal Farm” (1945) and “1984 ”(One nine four eight). He has also written numerous essays and literary commentary in his life, with collections of “Dickens, Daley and Others” (1946), “British People” (1947), “Shooting and Other” Five ○) and so on. The four book reviews presented here have been translated from Orwell’s Thesis Letter (1968) edited and published after his death, from which readers can see his unique insight and lively yet stressing style of writing. Mr TUNG Leshan’s commentary gave a fair analysis of the authors of the book reviews and is a rich source for understanding Orwell.