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《中华人民共和国各级人民代表大会常务委员会监督法》第三十四条规定:“各级人民代表大会常务委员会会议审议议案和有关报告时,本级人民政府或者有关部门、人民法院或者人民检察院应当派有关负责人员到会,听取意见,回答询问。”专题询问,是法律赋予各级人民代表大会常务委员会监督“一府两院”工作的一种重要形式。2010年,全国人大常委会开展了三次专题询问。中央领导同志和全国人大常委会组成人员给予专题询问充分肯定。第一,丰富了监督工作的方法。第二,促进了国务院改进工作。第三,密切了全国人大及其常委会与人民群众的联系。第四,取得了良好的社会效果。这三次询问,紧紧围绕经济工作和改善民生进行,反映了人民群众的意愿和呼声,引起了社会积极反响。全国人大常委会的做法还得到了地方人大的高度关注,不少地方人大常委会也在积极尝试开展专题询问。学习全国人大常委会和安徽等兄弟省区市人大常委会开展专题询问的做法和经验,海南省人民代表大会常务委员会2011年工作报告和海南省人大常委会2011年监督工作计划,决定开展保障性住房建设工作情况专题询问。省人大常委会财经工作委员会、省人大常委会办公厅、省人大常委会研究室经过赴北京、安徽学习考察和充分准备,拟定了2011年海南省人大常委会专题询问工作方案,省人大常委会主任会议和23次常委会会议一致同意此方案。7月20日,省四届人大常委会第23次会议召开。7月21日上午,对全省保障性住房建设工作情况进行了专题询问。本刊全文刊发专题询问现场笔录,敬请关注。 Article 34 of the “Law of the People’s Republic of China on Supervising the Standing Committee of the People’s Congress at All Levels:” When the Standing Committee of the People’s Congress at all levels considers the motion and the relevant report, the people’s government at the corresponding level or the people’s court or people’s court The procuratorate shall send the responsible personnel to attend the meeting, listen to opinions and answer inquiries. "The special questioning is an important form of work supervised by the Standing Committee of the people’s congresses at all levels under the law. In 2010, the NPC Standing Committee held three special inquiries. The central leading comrades and members of the NPC Standing Committee fully affirmed the special inquiries. First, it enriches the method of supervision. Second, it promoted the improvement work of the State Council. Third, we have closely linked the NPC and its standing committees with the people. Fourth, good social effects have been achieved. These three inquiries, which focus on the economic work and the improvement of people’s livelihood, reflect the aspirations and calls of the masses and arouse the positive response of the community. The practice of the NPC Standing Committee has also received the great attention of the local people’s congress. Many local NPCSCs are also actively trying to carry out special inquiries. Learn from the NPC Standing Committee and Anhui and other fraternal provinces and municipalities NPC Standing Committee to conduct thematic inquiry of the practices and experiences of Hainan Provincial People’s Congress Standing Committee 2011 report and Hainan Provincial People’s Congress 2011 monitoring plan, decided to carry out the protection of Housing construction work on the topic of inquiry. Provincial People’s Congress Finance Committee, the Provincial People’s Congress Standing Committee, Provincial People’s Congress Research Office After going to Beijing, Anhui study tours and fully prepared, prepared in 2011 Hainan Provincial People’s Congress on the topic of inquiry work plan, the Provincial People’s Congress Standing Committee The meeting of directors and 23 standing committee meetings unanimously agreed to this plan. On July 20, the 23rd meeting of the Standing Committee of the Fourth Provincial People’s Congress was held. On the morning of July 21, we conducted a special inquiry on the work of construction of affordable housing in the province. The full issue of the magazine published inquiries on-site transcripts, so stay tuned.
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