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为探讨不锈钢筋及其混凝土构件耐腐蚀性能,进行了不锈钢筋及碳素钢筋的各种对比腐蚀试验。不锈钢筋与普通钢筋盐雾腐蚀对比试验表明,在相同盐雾腐蚀条件下,不锈钢筋的耐腐蚀能力是普通钢筋的100倍以上,不锈钢筋锈蚀量轻微,锈蚀不影响其力学、工艺性能;而普通钢筋锈蚀明显,锈蚀导致断面缩减、强度降低、延性明显下降,验证了不锈钢筋有更优异的抗盐雾腐蚀性能。模拟不锈钢筋混凝土试件与普通钢筋混凝土试件在3倍海水中干湿循环对比试验表明,不锈钢筋试件的极化阻力明显高于普通钢筋试件,而腐蚀电流密度明显小于普通钢筋试件,不锈钢筋试件的腐蚀速率远低于普通钢筋试件,不锈钢筋试件比普通钢筋试件的耐氯离子腐蚀性能高46倍以上。不锈钢筋混凝土足尺试件与普通钢筋混凝土足尺试件干湿循环对比试验表明,在混凝土构件中的不锈钢筋仍然具有优异的耐蚀性能。 In order to investigate the corrosion resistance of stainless steel bars and concrete members, various corrosion tests of stainless steel bars and carbon steel bars were carried out. Salt spray corrosion tests of stainless steel bars and ordinary bars showed that the corrosion resistance of stainless steel bars was more than 100 times that of ordinary bars under the same salt mist corrosion conditions and the corrosion of stainless steel bars was minor and the corrosion did not affect the mechanical and technological properties. Corrosion of ordinary steel is obvious, corrosion leads to reduction of section, strength decreases, ductility significantly decreased, verifying the stainless steel has more excellent salt spray corrosion resistance. The comparative tests of simulated wet-laid concrete specimens and ordinary reinforced concrete specimens in 3 times of wet and dry cycles show that the polarization resistance of stainless steel specimens is obviously higher than that of ordinary steel specimens and the corrosion current density is obviously lower than that of ordinary steel specimens , The corrosion rate of stainless steel specimens is much lower than ordinary steel specimens, stainless steel specimens than ordinary steel specimens resistant to chloride ion corrosion 46 times higher. Contrast experiments of stainless steel reinforced concrete full-scale specimens and ordinary reinforced concrete full-scale specimens in wet-dry cycle show that the stainless steel reinforcement in concrete members still has excellent corrosion resistance.
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