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无产阶级文化大革命以来,我国苏芸金杆菌的生产及使用日益扩大,解决了不少农林害虫的防治问题。为了进一步提高产品质量与使用价值,各有关方面迫切要求实行菌制剂的毒力标准化。本试验用家蚕蚁蚕对我国六个苏芸金杆菌工业产品进行毒力测定,发现蚁蚕对菌制剂的受毒剂量死亡反应比较稳定,与菜青虫、稻纵卷叶虫、马尾松毛虫的受毒反应相比,一般呈正相关。由于家蚕卵来源方便,测定手续简单,而且菌厂不必自行饲养,也可整年用来测定每批产品的效价。这一测定法,无论在材料来源上、测定手续上都比1970年国际会议所建议使用的粉纹夜蛾幼虫为材料的生物测定法简便得多,在效果的稳定方面,也有其特殊意义。因此,我们建议在全国范围内统一用家蚕蚁蚕为材料测定苏芸金杆菌制剂的效价,以稳定产品的质量及提高使用效率。 Since the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, the production and use of Bacillus thuringiensis in our country has been expanding day by day, which has solved many prevention and control problems of pests of agriculture and forestry. In order to further improve product quality and use value, all parties urgently require the standardization of virulence of the bacterium preparation. In this study, the silkworm ant silkworm was used to determine the virulence of six industrial products of Bacillus thuringiensis in our country. It was found that the ant nematodes response to the toxic dose death of the bactericide was stable, Compared with the toxic reaction, generally positive correlation. Silkworm eggs as a convenient source, the determination of simple procedures, and the mill does not have to keep their own, but also can be used throughout the year to determine the titer of each batch of products. This assay, both in terms of material source and assay procedure, is much simpler than the bioassay of Trichoplusia larvae suggested by the International Conference in 1970, and is also of particular interest in the stabilization of efficacy. Therefore, we suggest that the titer of Bacillus thuringiensis preparation should be determined uniformly in China by using silkworm ant nematodes as a material in order to stabilize the quality of products and improve the using efficiency.
对于顶复门寄生虫,成功地完成生活史取决于细胞外的虫体短暂快速侵入宿主细胞 For Atopic parasites, the successful completion of life history depends on the rapid a
由于2008年前9个月吉尔吉斯斯坦的经济增速大幅回落,吉经济发展与贸易部准备修订2009年和2010~2011年的预算草案。吉尔吉斯斯坦建筑业、服务业和工业部门 As Kyrgyzstan’s e