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精铸蜡型作为空心涡轮叶片精铸过程重要的前期工艺转接件,其壁厚精度主要由蜡型模具型腔与内部陶芯的位置匹配关系决定。由于陶芯在模具内完全依靠定位元件实现空间定位,为减小由定位误差引起的陶芯位姿漂移,提出了一种基于力平衡约束的空心涡轮叶片精铸模具陶芯定位布局优化方法。首先,通过建立陶芯定位误差传递模型,揭示了定位误差与陶芯空间位姿扰动量之间的映射关系;其次,根据力平衡原理构建了基于力约束的陶芯定位布局优化模型;之后,针对陶芯表面定位候选点的离散分布特性,结合遗传算法给出了陶芯定位布局点的详细求解策略。最后,仿真对比证明了利用本文所提方法获得的陶芯定位方案可以在保证陶芯定位稳定性的同时提高陶芯定位精度,此外,按照优化后的定位方案压制实际蜡型,壁厚检测结果也进一步表明所提方法的有效性。 Wax casting as a hollow turbine blade casting process important pre-process adapter, the wall thickness accuracy mainly by the wax mold cavity and the inner ceramic core position to determine the matching relationship. In order to reduce the drift of the ceramic core caused by the positioning error, a method for positioning and positioning the ceramic core of a hollow turbine blade casting mold based on the force balance constraint is proposed. Firstly, the mapping error between the positioning error and the perturbation of the ceramic core’s space pose is revealed through the establishment of the error model of the positioning error of the ceramic core. Secondly, an optimization model of the positioning of the ceramic core based on the force balance principle is constructed. According to the discrete distribution of the candidate points on the surface of the ceramic core, a detailed solution strategy of the positioning of the ceramic core with the genetic algorithm is given. Finally, the simulation comparison proves that the positioning method of the ceramic core obtained by the method can improve the positioning accuracy of the ceramic core while ensuring the positioning stability of the ceramic core. In addition, the actual waxing and wall thickness measurement results are suppressed according to the optimized positioning scheme It also shows the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Background:Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) may be associated with iliac vein compression.Up to now,the majority of data has come from a retrospective study about the
Background:Diabetes mellitus (DM) remains a major health problem worldwide.Several clinical trials have shown the superiority of the Traditional Chinese Medicin
目的 探讨载脂蛋白E和低密度脂蛋白受体双基因缺失(apoE-/-/LDLR-/-)小鼠肝脏脂代谢相关基因表达特征与动脉粥样硬化早期病变的关系及发生机制.方法 应用RT-PCR技术检测apoE-/-/LDLR-/-与野生型小鼠肝脏脂代谢相关基因表达差异,并进行血生化指标检测及主动脉形态学观察.结果 所检测的11个脂代谢相关基因中,apoE-/-/LDLR-/-小鼠与野生型小鼠相比,载脂蛋白B100和