
来源 :幼儿教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liyumei1221
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对幼儿进行品德教育是幼儿教育的有机组成部分,就其重要性来说,是在为祖国的未来人才奠定最初最重要的基础。那么在当前的新形势下,怎样对幼儿进行品德教育呢?我结合在幼儿园多年工作的实际,从以下四个方面谈点体会: 一、研究教育对象,了解幼儿。了解幼儿是向幼儿进行品德教育的基础。一方面要了解每个幼儿在品德行为方面的具体表现及环境教育对他的影响,另一方面要了解新形势下幼儿品德行为的特点,全面地进行研究分析,以找准品德教育的起点,确定教育任务、要求,以及应采取的教育手段和方法。只有针对性的教育,才能为幼儿接受,收到实效。怎样全面了解幼儿呢?我的做法是: 1.用观察、谈话法进行全面了解 Conducting moral education on young children is an integral part of early childhood education, which, in its importance, is laying the first and most important foundation for future generations of the motherland. So in the current new situation, how to carry out moral education for young children? I combine the actual work in kindergarten for many years, from the following four aspects to talk about experience: First, study the object of education, to understand children. Understanding young children is the basis for moral education for young children. On the one hand, it is necessary to understand the specific performance of every young child in terms of moral behavior and the impact of environmental education on him. On the other hand, we must understand the characteristics of young children’s moral behavior in the new situation, carry out comprehensive research and analysis in order to find out the starting point of moral education, Determine educational tasks, requirements, and educational means and methods to be adopted. Only targeted education can be accepted by young children and receive effective results. How to fully understand the child care? My approach is: 1. Use observation, talk method for a comprehensive understanding
“开饭喽!”我一声令下,最先到我这儿报名的是爸爸,紧接着是妈妈,最后来的是奶奶。他们的吃态千奇百怪,各有千秋,想听吗?那就让我慢慢道来! “Meal another!” I gave the o
在我的印象中,那些把街道搞得脏乱不堪的小商贩,那些上车不买票的青年,那些违法犯罪的人,大部分是外地人,所以我对外地人的印象非常差。最近发生的一件小事彻底改变了我的看法。  那天下午,正值下班高峰期,车上的人很多。我费了很大的劲才挤上车,上车后好不容易才找了个座位。车到了下一站,有几个外地的民工上了车。他们身上很脏,恰好坐在我的邻座。我不由自主地把脸转开。过了一会儿,上来一位小朋友,他想从上衣袋里掏
由于钻孔灌注桩具有施工噪声低、无振动等优点,有利于在居民密集区或狭小场地施工,近年来在地基处理中应用钻孔灌注桩的工程日趋增多,现选择一个工程实例介绍如下。1 工程概
在现实生活中会有一些问题,由于各方面的原因,需要选择最佳方案,才能解决实际问题。例如:顾客在购买某种商品时,有几种打折的方法,顾客要选择最佳的优惠方案才能省 There wi
When an architect draws the plan of a building,he does not drawthe actual size.He will scale down the size and produce a plan that is si milar to that of the bu