重视农药质量 加强农药管理

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农药对保护植物免遭病、虫、草害,对各种作物正常生长,增加产量具有很重要的作用;农药施用后能否得到应有效果,这与农药的质量有密切的关系。在农药应用中有很多实例证明施用同一种农药,由于质量不同,而防治效果有很大差异。过去,我国生产厂对农药的质量一直很重视,严格检验产品,注意不断提高质量。后来,由于“四人帮”的干扰破坏,农药管理机构被撤销,有关农药质量的管理办法被废除,因而农药生产不受约束,产品质量不断下降,农药质量几乎处于无人过问状态。同时,收购部门也放 Pesticides play an important role in protecting plants from diseases, insects and weeds, and have a very important effect on the normal growth and yield of various crops. Whether pesticides can be effective after being applied is closely related to the quality of pesticides. There are many examples in the application of pesticides to prove that the same pesticide application, due to the different quality, and prevention and control effects are very different. In the past, the quality of pesticides in our manufacturing plants has always attached great importance to the products strictly tested, and attention should be paid to continuously improve the quality. Later, due to the interference and destruction of the “gang of four”, the pesticide administration was revoked and the management of the quality of pesticides was abolished. As a result, the pesticide production was not restrained, the quality of products was declining, and the quality of pesticides was almost unmanned. At the same time, the acquisition department also put
第一次国际性印度楝树产物防治害虫的学术讨论会于1980年6月在西德举行。 印度楝树或称印度丁香(Azadirachta indica A. Juss)或波斯丁香(Melia azedarach)。印楝树的研究虽
茶细蛾锤腹姬小蜂(Asympiesiella sp.)属膜翅目小蜂总科姬小蜂科(即寡节小蜂科)Eulophidae,是茶细蛾天敌中的优势种。此蜂以幼虫取食茶细蛾幼虫体液为生,被寄生的茶细蛾幼虫