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基于退耕还林工程建设期(2000—2010年)营造林过程边界内碳成本和边界外碳泄漏的计算,分析退耕还林工程及各区域碳成本和碳泄漏的年际变化、碳成本和碳泄漏的组成特征以及净固碳量的变化特征.结果表明:退耕还林工程建设期内,西北地区、西南地区、东北地区、华北地区、中南华东地区的碳成本分别为3.38、3.64、1.03、1.66、4.38 Tg C,合计14.09Tg C;碳泄漏分别为21.33、4.60、5.50、1.32、3.78 Tg C,合计36.53 Tg C.退耕还林工程及各区域工程措施碳成本组成特征较为一致,造林引起的碳排放是各区域最大的工程措施碳成本,其中退耕地造林是主要的造林碳成本来源.在各种物资消耗中,肥料引起的碳排放是各区域最大的物资碳成本,其次为建材,而燃油、灌溉和药剂产生的碳排放占各区域碳成本总量的比例仅为10%左右.退耕还林工程的实施在工程边界内外共产生温室气体50.62 Tg C,抵消了工程固碳效益的19.9%;在西北地区、西南地区、东北地区、华北地区和中南华东地区的抵消作用分别为38.9%、10.4%、26.1%、8.9%和15.5%.退耕还林工程建设期内的净固碳量为203.50Tg C,年均净固碳量为18.50 Tg C·a~(-1).碳成本和碳泄漏对退耕还林工程固碳的抵消较小,退耕还林工程在我国温室气体减排和全球气候变暖减缓上做出了巨大贡献.经济林营造采用精准施肥和为退耕还林工程区农户提供可替代的维持生存的方法是分别减少碳成本和碳泄漏的可能措施. Based on the calculation of carbon cost and extra-boundary carbon leakage during the construction of the conversion of cropland to forest project (2000-2010), the interannual variation of carbon budget and carbon leakage in the project of conversion of cropland to forestland, carbon cost and carbon The results show that the carbon costs of Northwest China, Southwest China, Northeast China, North China and South Central China are 3.38, 3.64 and 1.03 respectively in the construction period of the project of returning farmland to forestland, 1.66, 4.38 Tg C, a total of 14.09 Tg C; carbon leakage 21.33,4.60,5.50,1.32,3.78 Tg C, respectively, a total of 36.53 Tg C. The project of returning farmland to forest project and the regional carbon budget of construction measures are more consistent, Of which carbon is the largest carbon cost of engineering measures in each region, of which afforestation by afforestation is the main source of afforestation carbon costs, among which, fertilizer-induced carbon emission is the largest carbon cost of materials in each region, followed by building materials, While the carbon emissions from fuel, irrigation and pharmaceuticals account for only about 10% of the total carbon costs in the regions. The implementation of the project of returning farmland to forest projects to generate greenhouse gases inside and outside the project boundaries 50.62 Tg C, offsetting 19.9% ​​of the engineering carbon sequestration benefits; offsetting effect was 38.9%, 10.4%, 26.1%, 8.9% and 15.5% respectively in Northwest China, Southwest China, Northeast China, North China and Central South China. The net carbon sequestration during the construction period was 203.50Tg C and the annual average net carbon sequestration was 18.50 Tg C · a -1. The carbon offsetting and carbon leakage offsetting the carbon sequestration of the conversion of cropland to forest was small , The Project of Conversion of Cropland to Forestland has made a great contribution to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and global warming in our country.Economic Forest Creating an Alternative Way to Maintain Survival by Using Precision Fertilization and for Farmers in the Area of ​​Returning Farmland to Forest Projectremains to Reduce Carbon Cost And possible measures of carbon leakage.
1 茅坪坝沥青混凝土心墙的质量情况茅坪溪防护土石坝是三峡枢纽工程的重要组成部分,属一等I级工程。它是我国首座超百米的以碾压式沥青混凝土心墙为防渗体的土石坝,坝体没有
中国社会科学院是中国哲学社会科学研究的最高学术机构和综合研究中心。中国社会科学院是在中国科学院哲学社会科学学部的基础上 ,于 1 977年 5月建立的。胡乔木、马洪、胡绳
按施工单位申报经监理批准 ,1 999年浇筑计划为 2 2 0万m3(左厂 1 1 #~ 1 4 #坝段 45 .34万m3,泄洪坝段1 74.63万m3) ,至 1 999年 1 2月 31日年完成 2 2 6 .4万m3,其中泄洪坝
智利农业种植面积 2 870万hm2 ,可耕地面积 5 10万hm2 ,其中雨育面积 330万hm2 ,渠灌面积 180万hm2 。智利北部地区河流现有径流量即使在建有蓄水坝的情况下也不足以灌溉所有适宜耕作