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销售萎缩、利润下滑让看起来仍处于“风头浪尖”的中国软件企业第一次感受到了“泡沫”的可怕,即便会有一两个亮点也难掩软件业集体的失落。 中国的软件企业向来缺钱,他们的财富来源也往往不是软件业,更可能来自于系统集成、房地产甚至股票操作。正因为如此,当中国软件市场也受到国际大环境的影响增长全面放缓后,“市场大、政府采购、人才成本优势、国情、国际化”那些原来被看作是帮助他们做大做强的利器,似乎在一夜之间都化作了幻象。 喜欢造房子不喜欢造汽车的中国软件企业普遍规模小、实力弱、技术单薄是不争的事实,软件行业缺乏有效的机制也是不可回避的难题。怨天尤人也好,哭天呛地也罢,都无济于事。幻象的破灭正好让他们能看清潜伏在平静表象下的疾风暴雨,改变势在必行。也许当他们摆正了心态,有利的形势就在于那再坚持一下的努力之中。 Sales shrank and profit slipped to the point where the Chinese software companies, which still seemed to be on the cusp, felt the “bubble” for the first time. Even if there were one or two bright spots, it would be hard to conceal the collective loss of the software industry. China’s software companies have always been short of money, and their sources of wealth are often not the software industry, more likely from system integration, real estate and even stock operations. Because of this, after the overall slowdown in the Chinese software market due to the impact of the international environment, the “big market, government procurement, talent cost advantages, national conditions and internationalization” were originally seen as helping them to become bigger and stronger Sharp weapon, seems to have turned into an illusion overnight. Chinese software companies like building houses that do not like making cars are generally small, weak and poorly equipped. It is an indisputable fact that the software industry lacks an effective mechanism. Complaining people Ye Hao Ye Hao, crying day choke worth mentioning, are of no avail. The disillusionment of the illusion just allows them to see the storm hurricane lurking beneath the calm image and the change is imperative. Perhaps when they set their minds, the favorable situation lies in the efforts that will be persevered.
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