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目的分析重庆市南岸区居民死因及减寿情况,为卫生政策的制定和卫生资源配置提供依据。方法死因资料来源于2012-2015年重庆市南岸区常住居民病伤死因监测资料。采用2010年全国人口普查的人口数据进行标化,使用死因专用统计软件DeathReg 2005和SPSS 13.0软件对2012-2015南岸区居民死因监测数据整理和统计分析,分析指标包括死亡率、标化死亡率、潜在寿命损失年(potential year of life lost,PYLL)、寿命损失率和平均减寿年数(average years of life lost,AYLL)等。结果南岸区2012-2015年累计报告死亡病例16 296例,居民年平均死亡率为534.30/10万,标化死亡率为446.30/10万。男性死亡9 362例,年平均死亡率为603.60/10万,标化死亡率为333.51/10万,女性死亡6 934例,年平均死亡率462.59/10万,标化死亡率为258.12/10万,男女死亡病例比为1.35∶1。男性死亡率高于女性,差异有统计学意义(χ~2=285.21,P<0.01),死因前五位为循环系统疾病(死亡率206.92/10万,构成比38.73%);肿瘤(死亡率176.16/10万,构成比32.97%);呼吸系统疾病(死亡率74.82/10万,构成比14.00%);损伤和中毒(死亡率22.49/10万,构成比4.21%);消化系统疾病(死亡率14.46/10万,构成比2.71%),占全死因的92.62%。0~岁组首位死因为围生期疾病,5~岁组首位死因为损伤和中毒,15~岁组、45~岁组首位死因为肿瘤,≥65岁组首位死因为循环系统疾病。对南岸区居民寿命损失影响最大的前五位死因依次为肿瘤(减寿率23.86%)、循环系统疾病(减寿率12.70%)、损伤和中毒(减寿率5.20%)、呼吸系统疾病(减寿率3.44%)、消化系统疾病(减寿率1.75%)。结论慢性非传染性疾病与损伤和中毒是造成南岸区居民死亡和减寿的主要原因,应加强慢性病综合防控。 Objective To analyze the causes of death and longevity of residents in Nanan District of Chongqing, and to provide the basis for the formulation of health policies and the allocation of health resources. Methods The cause of death data from 2012 to 2015 Nan’an District, Chongqing resident mortality risk monitoring data. The demographic data of the 2010 national census were used to standardize the data of death cause monitoring of residents in the South Bank area from 2012 to 2015 using the DeathReg 2005 and SPSS 13.0 softwares for the cause of death statistics. The indicators included mortality rate, standardized mortality rate, Potential year of life lost (PYLL), loss of life expectancy and average years of life lost (AYLL). Results A total of 16 296 deaths were reported from 2012 to 2015 in Nan’an District. The annual average death rate of residents was 534.30 / 100,000 and the standardization death rate was 446.30 / 100,000. There were 9362 male deaths, with an average annual death rate of 603.60 / 100,000, a standardized death rate of 333.51 / 100,000, and a female death rate of 6 934. The annual average death rate was 462.59 / 100,000 and the standardization death rate was 258.12 / 100,000 , The ratio of male and female deaths was 1.35: 1. The mortality rate of males was higher than that of females (χ ~ 2 = 285.21, P <0.01). The top five causes of death were circulatory diseases (the death rate was 206.92 / 100000, the constituent ratio was 38.73%); 176.16 / 100 000, constituting a ratio of 32.97%); respiratory diseases (death rate 74.82 / lakh, constituting 14.00%); injury and poisoning (death rate 22.49 / lakh, constituting 4.21%); digestive diseases Rate of 14.46 / 100000, constitute 2.71%), accounting for 92.62% of all causes of death. The first cause of death in 0 ~ group was perinatal disease. The first death in 5 ~ group was due to injury and poisoning. The first cause of death in 15 ~ group and 45 ~ group was tumor, and the first cause of death in group ≥65 was circulatory system disease. The five leading causes of death of residents in Nanan area were tumor (life expectancy of 23.86%), circulatory diseases (life expectancy of 12.70%), injury and poisoning (loss of life rate of 5.20%), respiratory diseases 3.44% reduction in life expectancy), digestive diseases (1.75% reduction in life expectancy). Conclusion Chronic non-communicable diseases, injuries and poisoning are the main causes of death and longevity of residents in Nan’an District. Comprehensive prevention and control of chronic diseases should be strengthened.
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