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为了提高CMOS图像传感器校准光源色温、亮度和色品坐标的准确度和调节精度,同时能够使色品坐标独立可调,提出了一种采用低色温白光LED灯珠、高色温白光LED灯珠加红绿蓝光LED灯珠组合式调光方法的校准光源,并研制了光源控制系统及调光软件。用户通过调光软件输入目标色温值和照度值,光源控制板会根据设定值选择相应的LED灯珠组合并输出对应色温值和照度值的光源。实验结果表明,LED光源实际输出色温和照度值相对于设定值的偏差范围在1%以内。在色温输入值不变的情况下,调节照度值时色温的变化在0.2%以内,色温和照度独立可调。脉冲宽度调制输出频率为21kHz,LED光源在CMOS图像传感器检测下无频闪。色品坐标独立可调,调整精度达到10~(-4)。色温和照度在长时间工作条件下变动范围分别在0.05%以内和0.1%以内,LED光源稳定性良好。 In order to improve the accuracy and accuracy of CMOS image sensor calibration of color temperature, brightness and chromaticity coordinate, and to make the chromaticity coordinate independently adjustable, a method of using low color temperature white LED lamp beads and high color temperature white LED lamp beads plus Red, green and blue LED lamp beads combined dimming method of calibration light source, and developed a light source control system and dimming software. The user inputs the target color temperature value and illuminance value through the dimming software, and the light source control panel will select the corresponding LED lamp bead combination according to the set value and output the light source corresponding to the color temperature value and illuminance value. The experimental results show that the deviation of the actual output color temperature and illuminance value of LED light source from the set value is within 1%. In the case of constant input value of color temperature, when the illumination value is adjusted, the change of color temperature is within 0.2%, and the color temperature and illuminance are independently adjustable. Pulse width modulation output frequency of 21kHz, LED light source in the CMOS image sensor detection without strobe. Chromaticity coordinates independently adjustable, adjust the accuracy of 10 ~ (-4). Color temperature and illumination in the long-term working conditions, the variation range of less than 0.05% and less than 0.1%, LED light source stability is good.
文章介绍了利用 80C3 1单片机对泵站瓦斯流量、浓度、温度、压力等参数进行测量的工作原理及系统的软硬件设计要求及特点
毛泽东一直对中国古典文学名著《红楼梦》怀有浓厚的兴趣。由于兼采诸科思维之长、独具百家学说之底蕴,作为学识渊博、博古通今的文人和政治家,毛泽东读《红楼梦》,具有自己独特的视角。    从社会历史发展看封建制度走向灭亡的历史必然性    把《红楼梦》当作历史来读,是毛泽东读《红楼梦》的深刻心得体会。在他看来,把《红楼梦》当作故事来读,是浅层次的,而将其当作历史来读,是深层次的。浅层次可以说是指小说的消