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近年来,各类主旨形式的口译广泛地应用在会议口译专业的入门甄选、口笔译资格证书的考核、口译入门的训练课程及全国各级别的口译大赛中,高校内与市场上对学生主旨口译能力的考核与测试也不断升级,主旨口译备受各方关注。本文试图以湖北省第六届海峡两岸大赛中参赛选手的第一轮主旨口译环节的表现为例,深入分析影响选手在主旨口译环节中表现的主要障碍并提出解决障碍、改善学生主旨口译能力的策略,进一步为本科口译课程中主旨形式的口译训练提供指导,旨在通过提高学生主旨口译能力,锻炼学生提取关键信息点的能力,并全面提升听力中思维理解、逻辑梳理、组合整理信息、记忆力及口语表达能力,能够真正做到全面提高学生的英语素质,符合对本科阶段学生口译课培养方案的要求,以“提高口译能力为辅,改善外语能力为主”的目标,全面提高学生的竞争力,拓宽未来学术选择的宽度。 In recent years, various kinds of thematic interpretations have been widely used in the field of interpreting of conference interpreting professionals, the assessment of oral translation qualifications, training courses for interpreting interpretations and interpretation contests at all levels in the country. Capability assessment and testing are also constantly upgrading, the main purpose of interpretation is subject to all parties concerned. This paper attempts to take the performance of the first round of keynote interpretations of contestants in the 6th Cross-Strait Competition in Hubei Province as an example to deeply analyze the main obstacles that affect the performance of the contestants in the keynote interpretations and to propose solutions to the obstacles and improve the ability of students’ Strategy to further guide interpreting training in undergraduate interpreting courses. The aim is to train students’ abilities of extracting key information points through improving their ability of target interpretation, and to comprehensively improve thinking comprehension, logical combing, combining information and memory in listening comprehension And oral communication skills, we can really improve students ’English qualities in an all-round way and meet the requirements of the students’ interpreting course training programs for undergraduates, with the goal of improving interpreting ability and improving foreign language ability, Competitiveness, broaden the width of future academic choices.