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随着“云计算”技术的日趋成熟,各行各业都在为进入云时代做精心地准备,而“云计算”对图书馆的影响也越来越显现出来了,图书馆未来的服务由此可能要进入“云服务”阶段。图书馆“云服务”是对应于个性化服务提出的一个新的“服务”层次,因为现在社会的信息量正以几何级数在不断增长,而各种类型的数据库也在不断开发中,据IDC(IneternetData Center,互联网中心)报告:到2009年6月止,全世界的网络数字信息及复制总量已超过418Exabytes(418*10243GB),正因为这样,图书馆的用户对图书馆提出的要求也越来越高,图书馆所提供的服务也不应仅仅局限于本馆的资源,而应着眼于馆际合作,共享庞大的数据库和信息,在这样的背景下图书馆的“云服务”的开展势在必行。本文要阐述的是:什么是图书馆的“云服务”?图书馆要开展“云服务”要做好哪些准备?图书馆开展“云服务”要解决什么问题?还有什么样的问题困扰着图书馆开展“云服务”? With the maturity of “cloud computing ” technology, all trades and professions are carefully preparing for entering the cloud era, and the impact of “cloud computing ” on the library is more and more obvious. The future of the library The service may thus enter the “Cloud Services” phase. Library “cloud service ” is a new “service ” level that corresponds to personalized service because the amount of information in the community is growing in geometric series, and various types of databases are constantly According to the IDC (IneternetData Center), as of June 2009, the total amount of network digital information and copying in the world has exceeded 418 Exabytes (418 * 10243GB). As a result, The demands of libraries are also getting higher and higher. The services provided by libraries should not only be limited to the resources of the museum, but should focus on inter-collegiate cooperation and share vast databases and information. In this context, the library’s “Cloud service ” is imperative. This article is to elaborate on: what is the library “cloud service ”? Library to carry out “cloud service ” What to do? Library to carry out “cloud service ” to solve any problems? What kind of problems plagued the library to carry out “cloud services ”?
通过分析新疆寒冷地区冻土产生冻胀的原因,总结了冻胀对渠道工程产生的危害,提出了防治冻害的几种有效措施。 By analyzing the causes of frost heave in the frozen soil
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教育部召开2001年度教育工作会议,陈至立部长指出大力发展各种形式的职业教育是需要长期坚持的方针  中等职教要积极发展,深化改革,提高质量;要开辟新空间,探索新机制;要加快农村