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大悟县位于湖北省东北部,地处大别山西端南麓,全县64万人口,面积1986平方公里。境内奇峰峻岭千姿百态,涌泉飞瀑赏心悦目,风景秀美,气候怡人。大悟是全国著名的革命老区和将军之乡。这里曾是中原抗日的前哨,也是解放战争初期中原军民抗击国民党发动内战的指挥中心。作为集老区、山区、库区于一体的经济贫困县,大悟人开拓进取,抢抓机遇,以脱贫奔小康为奋斗目标,推进工业兴县,打造现代农业,发展经济,改善民生,谱写了一曲曲动人的脱贫致富之歌。 Dawu County is located in the northeast of Hubei Province, is located in the southern foot of the western Dabie Mountains, the county 640,000 population, an area of ​​1986 square kilometers. Qifeng mountains within the mix of all kinds, Yongquan waterfall pleasing, beautiful scenery, pleasant climate. Dawu is a famous old revolutionary base areas and township. It was once an outpost for the Central Plains to resist Japan and a command center for the Central Plains military and civilians to fight the KMT to launch a civil war in the early days of the Liberation War. As an economically impoverished county integrating the old districts, mountainous areas and reservoir areas, Dawu pioneers and seizes opportunities and takes the goal of getting rid of the poor and the common prosperity as the objective, promoting industrial Xingxian County, building modern agriculture, developing economy and improving people’s livelihood. Quiet moving off poverty and prosperity of the song.
An RF power coupler is a key component of the superconducting accelerating system in Chinese ADS proton linac injector I, which is used to transmit 15 kW RF pow
KONUS beam dynamics design of uranium DTL with LORASR code is presented. The238U34+beam,whose current is 5.0 emA, is accelerated from injection energy of 0.35 M