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1978年党的十一届三中全会以后,通过总结经验教训和反思,渐渐地认识到,在我国私营经济的存在和发展是非常必要的。随着国家对私营经济政策的改变和我国市场经济的建立,我国私营企业也获得了恢复和长足发展。十几年过去了,我国的私营企业究竟经历了哪些历程,现今状况如何,私营企业经营者作为一个群体其构成、价值观、经营方针等如何,存在着什么问题,都需要进行研究。为此,中国人民大学非公营企业课题组在北京抽样调查了184家企业。现将有关调查研究的结果,分篇向读者予以介绍。 After the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in 1978, through the summing up of experience and lessons and reflection, I gradually realized that the existence and development of the private economy in our country are very necessary. With the change of the state’s policies on the private economy and the establishment of the market economy in our country, the private sector in our country has also recovered and made great strides. More than a decade has passed. What are the historical experiences of private-owned enterprises in our country? What are the current conditions and what problems exist in the composition, values ​​and operating principles of private-sector operators as a group, all of which need to be studied. To this end, the non-public enterprise group of Renmin University of China sampled 184 enterprises in Beijing. Now the results of the investigation and research, sub-articles to readers to be introduced.
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