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他们是一个特殊的群体,他们是一群激情澎湃的人。他们曾把最美好的青春献给了祖国的国防事业,他们用无愿无悔诠释了忠诚的报国之心。当保卫祖国的事业需要时,他们穿上军装,用青春和热血捍卫共和国的尊严;当建设祖国的事业需要时,他们脱下军装,用智慧和品格铸就现代化的基石。这就是当代的转业军人!军营的砺练,成就了他们的品格;优秀的素质,赢得了世人的敬重。在新世纪的挑战面前,他们又会走出怎样的人生?本刊将陆续报道一些在各条战线成绩卓著的转业军人,看他们是怎样续写自己辉煌的人生…… They are a special group, they are a group of passionate people. They dedicated the best of their youth to the cause of national defense in their motherland, and they used unwillingness and regret to explain their loyalty to serve the country. When the cause of defending the motherland needs them, they wear military uniforms and defend the dignity of the Republic with their youth and blood. When the cause of building the motherland needs them, they take off their military uniforms and mold the cornerstone of modernization with wisdom and character. This is the contemporary career soldiers! The training of military barracks, the achievements of their character; excellent quality, has won the world’s respect. In the face of the challenges of the new century, what kind of life they will emerge from? The journal will cover in succession some of the outstanding military diversion troops in various fronts and see how they have renewed their splendid lives.
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患者,女,2 8岁。因血压增高伴排尿时头晕、头疼、心悸4年入院,无尿频、尿急、尿痛和肉眼血尿。体检:血压1 85 /1 30mmHg( 1mmHg =0 .1 33kPa) ,脉搏90次/min ,无满月脸、向心
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踩着通往成长和成熟的阶梯,彼得·科恩由一位桀骜的青年成为冷静的咨询师,这种变化使他对自己的职业深怀感情。 Walking on the ladder to growth and maturity, Peter Cohe
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