村民自治结硕果 民选之花处处开

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江泽民总书记在安徽考察时,把村民自治与包产到户、乡镇企业并誉为我国“亿万农民的伟大创造”。我国村民自治已走过近20年的光辉历程。村民自治包括民主选举、民主决策,民主管理和民主监督,是我国社会主义民主政治建设稳中求进的科学抉择、也是农民当家作主的具体体现。它创造出了一条我国农村建设有中国特色社会主义民主政治的路子。1998年,九届人大通过的《中华人民共和国村民委员会组织法》和省人大通过的《甘肃省村民委员会选举办法》为这一农民的创造以法律和法规的形式作了保障。从此,我省的村民自治在推进基层民主政治建该中走上了都度化、规范化、科学化的运行机制。村民自治,极大地调动了亿万农民的积极性,促进了农村的社会稳定,促进了农村经济的发展,加强和改善了党对农村工作的领导,是符合我国社会主义初级阶段的国情和广大农民群众愿望的伟大实践。为了宣传和促进我省的基层民主政治建设,本刊特别推出《村民自治——亿万农民的伟大创造》专题策划,以飨读者。 When undertaking an inspection in Anhui, General Secretary Jiang Zemin called the villagers self-governance and production at home, and township enterprises as the “great creation of hundreds of millions of peasants” in our country. China’s villager autonomy has gone through nearly 20 years of glorious history. Villagers’ autonomy, including democratic election, democratic decision-making, democratic management and democratic supervision, are the scientific choices that make progress in the construction of socialist democratic politics in our country and are the concrete embodiment of the peasant as the masters of the country. It has created a path of building socialist democracy with Chinese characteristics in rural areas of our country. In 1998, the Organic Law of the Villagers’ Committee of the People’s Republic of China passed by the Ninth National People’s Congress and the Measures for the Election of Villagers Committees in Gansu Province adopted by the Provincial People’s Congress ensured the creation of this farmer in the form of laws and regulations. Since then, the villagers’ autonomy in our province has embarked on an operation mechanism that is both standardized, scientific and scientific in promoting the building of grassroots democratic politics. Villagers’ self-government greatly mobilized the enthusiasm of hundreds of millions of peasants, promoted social stability in rural areas, promoted the development of rural economy, and strengthened and improved the party’s leadership over rural work. This is in keeping with the national conditions of the initial stage of socialism and the vast number of peasants The great practice of the aspirations of the masses. In order to publicize and promote the construction of grassroots democracy in our province, this special issue of “villagers autonomy - the great creation of hundreds of millions of peasants,” thematic planning to readers.
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