
来源 :工程建设标准化 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dartal_1999
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国务院各有关部门,各省、自治区、直辖市建委(建设厅),各计划单列市建委,新疆生产建设兵团: 根据国务院《建设工程质量管理条例》和我部建标[2000]31号文要求,我们会同有关部门共同编制了《工程建设标准强制性条文》(以下简称《强制性条文》)。《强制性条文》包括城乡规划、城市建设、房屋建筑、工业建筑、水利工程、电力工程、信息工程、水运工程、公路工程、铁道工程、石油和化工建设工程、矿山工程、人防工程、广播电影电视工程和民航机场工程等部分。 All relevant departments of the State Council, the Construction Commission (Construction Department) of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, the municipalities directly under the Central Government, the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps: According to the State Council’s “Regulations on the Quality Control of Construction Projects” and the [2000] No.31 Document of the Ministry of Construction, Jointly with the relevant departments to compile a “mandatory construction standards” (hereinafter referred to as “mandatory provisions”). The “mandatory provisions” include urban and rural planning, urban construction, housing construction, industrial buildings, water conservancy projects, power engineering, information engineering, waterway engineering, highway engineering, railway engineering, petroleum and chemical construction projects, mining engineering, civil air defense projects, radio and film TV project and Civil Aviation Airport Engineering and other parts.
文[1]证明了下述结果:设x_i∈R~+,i=1,2,……,n,且Ⅱ_(i=1)~nx_i=1,则Ⅱ_(n=1)~n(x_i+1/(x_i))≥(n+1/n)~n (1)文[2]在末尾提出了如下猜想:设x_i∈R~+,i=1,2,……,n,且Ⅱ_(i=
每当一场大雪过后,细心的同学就会发现玻璃上结满了冰花。它们晶莹剔透,线条优美,犹如一件件艺术品。可是你对冰花又了解多少呢?它是怎样形成的?为什么会有冰花 Whenever a
走进商场,我看见高高低低的架子上摆着各种颜色、各种形状的靴子,有乳白色的,有粉红色的,有杏黄色的,还有淡紫色的……真让人眼花 Into the mall, I saw high and low shelv
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实施以提高质量为中心的管理 深挖节能节材潜力济南第二机床厂膝东昌1994年在全国机床行业市场普遍不景气的情况下,我厂克服了前所未有的市场激烈竞争、严重困扰企业生产经营的“
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