
来源 :中国电力企业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ameiameiiou
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探索农电专业化管理的新模式,是农电企业义不容辞的责任。2006年以来,牟平电业集团公司、福山电业公司有效实践了邮政储蓄代缴农村电费管理工作模式,真正实现了农村电费抄、核、收工作分离。它减少了农村因电费因素引起的各种矛盾,推进了社会主义新农村的建设,构筑了社会的和谐与稳定,实现了一卡三赢的效果 To explore a new model of specialized management of rural power is the bounden duty of rural power enterprises. Since 2006, Muping Electric Group Co., Ltd. and Fukuyama Electric Power Co., Ltd. have effectively implemented the postal savings and payment management model for rural electricity charges and truly realized the separation of rural electricity bills copying, nuclear and revenue collection. It has reduced various contradictions caused by electricity tariffs in rural areas, promoted the construction of a new socialist countryside, built social harmony and stability, and achieved the effect of winning one card and three wins
招展、招商1.邀请全国各地养生产品企业参展及全国各地养生产品经销商、代理商参观采购。邀请长跑协会、登山协会、自行车协会、企业家协会等五万余人参观。 Recruitment, i
Lesson 31.Tim,Tom and Mary are playing with some coins.(蒂姆、汤姆和玛丽正在玩一些硬币。)play with sth./sb.玩……;玩弄……;与……一起玩。注意它与 play 的用法区
在听写及日常写作中,许多同学一碰到数字就犯难:是用阿拉伯数字,还是用单词拼写?现就英语中数字写法的一般规则罗列如下: 1.能由一到两个单词拼写的,一般不用阿拉伯数字表示
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